EARLY PAY INV DISC AMT Congratulations@ Hope@ SendH CompanyC PaymentI JulieJ Jones@ HBAM2001MAY84 Invoices.FM:* 92159 92160 92161 92186 93118 93119 93120 93122 93128 93129 93159 93164 Cv103 Cv104 Cv105 Cv106 Cv107 Barbara David Richard Chance Cusane Jones Martin Meador Department Distributors Level Lodging Martin Resort Richard Snider Stores Technologies 111-527-7787 111-555-6952 111-555-7327 111-555-9658 805-494-0987 12345 13125 485755 546685 54692 56432 92758 1234-5678-9012-3456 5612-9999-9999-9999 9999-9999-9999-9999 Closed T-099 T-100 T-101 Company Solar T-shirt Tough Widget Retail Wholesale Class Deliver Ground Ground Parcel 11.125 11.313 12.25 20.313 43.375 5.688 8.625 9.063 Agawam Anytown Dudley Groveland Leominster Southbridge Agawam Anytown Dudley Groveland Leominster Leominster Southbridge Company Direct Marketing 01019-9999 12546 555-1212 555-5656 Anytown Company Direct Direct Marketing Street Suite 01019-9999 555-1212 555-5656 Anytown Building Company Direct Marketing Plaza Street Suite Towers 01001 01001-9999 01550 Agawam Avenue California Coffee Department Distributors Level Lodging Martin Plaza Resort Richard Rosedale Snider Southbridge Stine Stores Street Suite Technologies Valley 01001 01453-1234 01550 01570 01834 90024 Agawam Angeles Avenue Baker Center Coffee Corporate Department Depot Distribution Distributors Drive Dudley Groveland Jones Leominster Level Lodging Market Martin Receiving Resort Richard Shipping Snider Southbridge Stine Stores Street Suite Technologies Warehouse 123-555 123-652 123-555 123-652 Deliver Parcel February January March September Envelope Large Small 29.25 55.25 24.25 52.50 Custom Order Paymt Thank Waiting About Amount Appreciate Arrives Balance Barbara Birthday Business Congratulations David Happy Indicated Order Others Payment Please Possible Promotion Ready Richard Shipment Spread Telling Thank Thanks Under Agawam Angeles Avenue Avenue California Coffee Department Distributors Level Lodging Market Martin Plaza Receiving Resort Richard Rosedale Snider Southbridge Stine Stores Street Suite Technologies Valley 01001 01453-1234 01550 01570 01570 01834 90024 22.25 14.76 22.25 Discount 01/08/93 03/11/93 1045.29 12/05/93 1234-5678-9012-3456 233.25 30.00 5612-9999-9999-9999 Payment Posted 53.44 Avenue California Coffee Plaza Stine Valley Agawam Southbridge 01001 01001-9999 01550 01019-9999 12546 555-1212 555-5656 Anytown Company Direct Marketing Street Suite Arrives Birthday Congratulations Dsbdfgfs Happy Order Promotion Shipment Thanks About Appreciate Barbara Business David Order Others Richard Spread Telling Thank Amount Balance Barbara David Indicated Order Payment Please Possible Ready Richard Shipment Thank Under About Again Barbara David Enjoy Included Order Others Richard Shipment Thank Which You'll Accounting Amount Balance Barbara Company Company Convenience David Direct Earliest Eventhough Marketing Order Payment Payment Please Receive Reconcile Richard Shipping Support Thank There 01019-9999 12546 555-1212 Anytown Company Payment Remit E1003 E1004 Browne Customer Dennis Julie Julie Manager Sales Smith Barbara Chance Cusane David Jones Meador 111-3526-888 91919-9191919 9999-999 Rk-6554-859-5455 Sr-4489-51138-63 Shipping 6666666666 8888888888 7777777777 9999999999 Courier Handle Shipper Updated Estimate Invoice Quote Balance Technologies@ GroundC LeominsterH DirectF Marketing@ Corporate@ West@ AvenueK 01570C Congratulations@ Hope@ SendH CompanyC PaymentI JulieJ Jones@ BalanceC FurtherK TransactionI Executive@ Rights@ P-1025G InvoiceE 111-555-1234F 01001-9999N Technologies@ SniderI Distributors@ ReferralF S1011@ AGE...LESS THAN 31 SUM CUST CONTACT LOOKUP DISTRICT TAX CALC Balance Before Friday Payable Receipt Saturday Sunday Thursday Tuesday Further Further Hesitate Information Opportunity Please Project Questions Require Thank Printed Invoice Quote Added Sales Transaction Transaction Wholesale Advantage Along Appreciate Assistant Attached Buying Company Corporate Costs Cover Creativity Developed Director Document Economical Engineers Exclusive Executive Expenses Extrordinary Facility First Flown Flying Forward Freight Great Hearing James Month Month's Necessary Obispo Offering Opportunity Order Originally Outlined Patents Payment People Please Preparations Project Require Rights Sample Security Sending Shipper Solar Solstice State System Technology University Vehicle Vehicle's Weeks Where Within Would Writing P-1024 P-1025 P-1025 P-1026 P-1028 P-1034 P-1035 P-1065 P-1070 Prop-34982 Solar Friday Monday Saturday Sunday Thursday Tuesday Wednesday Add'l Applies Discount Short Estimate Invoice Invoice Quote Total 1088.59 139.61 139.65 148.51 Before Discounted Extra Invoice Payment Receive Total Would Rosedale Street Suite Exported Browne Dennis Julie Smith Exempt 111-555-7327 111-555-8721 Shipped 33103d 33123d 33133d 33213d 3333d 33503d 3363d 3383d 3393d 34123d 34443d Carrier Common 12/96 Early 21.37 111-555-0202 111-555-1212 111-555-1234 111-555-1234 111-555-4646 111-555-9658 01019-9999 Anytown Building Company Direct Marketing Plaza Street Suite Towers 01001 01001-9999 01001-9999 01550 Agawam Avenue California Coffee Department Distributors Level Lodging Martin Plaza Resort Richard Rosedale Snider Southbridge Stine Stores Street Suite Technologies Valley 01001 01001-9999 01550 Agawam Avenue California Coffee Department Distributors Level Lodging Martin Plaza Resort Richard Rosedale Snider Snider Southbridge Stine Stores Street Suite Technologies Valley 01001 01453-1234 01550 01570 01834 90024 Agawam Angeles Avenue Baker Center Coffee Corporate Department Depot Distribution Distributors Drive Dudley Groveland Jones Leominster Level Lodging Market Martin Receiving Resort Richard Shipping Snider Southbridge Stine Stores Street Suite Technologies Warehouse Friend Gilespie Referral Referral Trade Walk-in Buyer Manager President Number Resale Rk-6554-859-5455 Sr-4489-51138-63 S1001 S1002 S1003 S1004 S1005 S1006 S1007 S1008 S1009 S1010 S1011 S1012 Black Metallic White Large Medium X-large Inv01 Inv02 Inv04 Inv05 Inv06 Downarrow Leftarrow Leftarrow Invoicesclose Pro 1.0F! Pro 2.0 - 2.1I Main Dictionary 1/3/94 ADDRESS STRAIGHT AGE...181 TO 365 AGE...181 TO 365 SUM AGE...31 TO 60 AGE...31 TO 60 SUM AGE...61 TO 90 AGE...61 TO 90 SUM AGE...91 TO 180 AGE...91 TO 180 SUM AGE...CURRENT CHRGS GROSS AGE...CURRENT CHRGS SUM AGE...LESS THAN 31 j61 TO 90 SUM AGE...91 TO 180 AGE...91 TO 180 SUM AGE...CURRENT CHRGS GROSS AGE...CURRENT CHRGS SUM AGE...LESS THAN 31 AGE...LESS THAN 31 SUM AGE...OVER 365 AGE...OVER 365 SUM AGE...OVERDUE CHRGS GROSS AGE...OVERDUE CHRGS SUM BAL DUE BAL DUE SUMMARY CARTON TYPE CARTON WEIGHT CHARGE FOR BACKORDER? COLOR CONTACT TITLE CREDIT MESSAGE CREDIT REDUCTIONS CREDIT REDUCTIONS SUM CREDIT TOTAL DISPLAY SUM CUST # CUST % OF INV SALES BY COMP CUST % OF INV SALES..OVERALL CUST ADDRESS 1 CUST ADDRESS 2 CUST ADDRESS CALC CUST CITY CUST CONTACT LOOKUP CUST CREDIT LIMIT CUST FAX NUMBER CUST FIRST CUST LAST CUST RESALE DISPLAY CUST RESALE NUMBER CUST STATE CUST ZIP CUSTOM NOTE CUSTOMER DATE PROCESSED DATE SHIPPED DISCOUNT DISCOUNT INV OVERALL SUMMARY DISCOUNT OVERALL INV TOTAL DISCOUNT OVERALL TOTAL DISCOUNT REG INV TOTAL DISCOUNT REG INV TOTAL SUMMARY DISCOUNT TEXT DISPLAY DISCOUNT TOTAL DISCOUNT TOTAL DISPLAY DISTRICT TAX DISTRICT TAX CALC DISTRICT TAX CATEGORY DISTRICT TAX DIST NAME DISTRICT TAX SUMMARY DISTRICT TAX TOTAL DISTRICT TAX TOTAL DISPLAY DISTRICT TAX TOTAL INV DISPLAY DOC TYPE DISPLAY DOC TYPE SALE LABEL DOC TYPE TOTAL LABEL DOCUMENT PRINTED? DOCUMENT TYPE DUE DATE DUE DATE STATEMENT EARLY PAY AMT CALC EARLY PAY AMT LABEL EARLY PAY DATE EARLY PAY DAY TERMS EARLY PAY DISC AMT EARLY PAY DISCOUNT EARLY PAY INV DISC AMT EARLY PAY INV DISC AMT SUM EARLY PAY OK? EARLY PAY TEXT DISPLAY EARLY PAY TEXT LABEL EMP COMMISSION LOOKUP EMP GR COM SUMMARY EMP GR COMMISSION CALC EMP NAME EMP NAME TITLE CALC EMP NET COM SUMMARY EMP NET COMMISSION CALC EMP TYPE EMP WORK PHONE EMPTY EXP DATE EXPECTED SHIP DATE EXPECTED SHIPPING DISPLAY CALC F.O.B. CALC F.O.B. CITY F.O.B. STATE FED EX RATE FED EX RATE CALC EARLY PAY INV DISC AMT FED EXPRESS NUM LOOKUP ITEM BACKORDER DISPLAY OUTSTANDING BAL REFUND AMT SALES TAX LOCAL LOOKUP SHIP TO CALC SUBTOTAL OF INVOICES UPS 3 DAY SELECT RATE UPS DECLARED UNITS UPS MANIFEST LBS DISPL UPS SIG REQ CALC US EXPRESS MAIL ACCT NUM _RECORD CNT FED EXPRESS NUM LOOKUP FREE GIFT GROSS PROFIT GROSS PROFIT EXTENDED GROSS PROFIT SUMMARY INCOME CATEGORY INV GROSS MINUS RETURNS INV GROSS SUM MINUS RETURNS INVENTORY UPDATED INVENTORY UPDATED DATE INVOICE AVERAGE INVOICE COUNT INVOICE INV UPDATE CALC INVOICE LOCAL SALES TAX INVOICE NUMBER INVOICE STATE SALES TAX INVOICE TOTAL INVOICE TOTAL SUMMARY INVOICE UPDATE NEEDED? SUM INVOICE? ITEM # SUMMARY ITEM BACKORDER DISPLAY ITEM BACKORDER? ITEM COST ITEM COST EXTENDED ITEM COST INVOICE CALC ITEM COST SUMMARY ITEM NUMBER ITEM WEIGHT ITEM WEIGHT EXTENDED LAST PMT TEXT DISPLAY LATE INVOICE COUNT LATE INVOICE TOTAL LATE INVOICE? LATE PMT DUE LATE PMT DUE SUMMARY MAX ORDER DATE MESSAGE MIN ORDER DATE MONTH NAME MONTH NUMBER c NET SALES NET SALES SUM NOTE CODE NOTE CODE CALC ORDER DATE ORDER ITEM OUTSTANDING BAL OVERDUE BAL OVERDUE BAL SUM OVERDUE DAYS OVERDUE DISPLAY P.O. NUMBER PHONE 1 PMT #S PMT AMTS PMT DATES PMT METHODS PMT TOTAL PMT TOTAL DISPLAY PMT TOTAL DISPLAY SUM PMT TOTAL SUMMARY PRICE EXTENDED PRICE LOOKUP VALUE DISPLAY PRICE TYPE CALC PRICE...CHOICE PROPOSAL CUST REF # PROPOSAL OUR REF # PROPOSAL PROJECT NAME PROPOSAL TEXT QTY SHIPPED QUICKEN EXPORTED? REFERRED BY REFUND AMT REMIT ADDR CALC REMIT ADDRESS STACKED REMIT ADDRESS STRAIGHT RETURN ADDRESS RETURN INV UPDATE CALC RETURN SALES TAX RETURN SALES TAX SUM RETURN SUMMARY RETURN TOTAL RETURN TOTAL COUNT RETURN TOTAL SUMMARY RETURN UPDATE NEEDED? SUM RETURN? SALE TYPE SALES ORDER NUMBER SALES TAX DISPLAY SALES TAX EARLY PAY DISC SALES TAX LOCAL CALC SALES TAX LOCAL CATEGORY SALES TAX LOCAL INV DISPLAY SALES TAX LOCAL LOOKUP SALES TAX LOCAL RATE SALES TAX LOCAL SUMMARY SALES TAX LOCAL TOTAL SALES TAX LOCAL TOTAL DISPLAY SALES TAX MINUS RETURN TAX SALES TAX OVERALL SUMMARY SALES TAX STATE SALES TAX STATE CALC SALES TAX STATE CATEGORY SALES TAX STATE INV DISPLAY SALES TAX STATE LOOKUP SALES TAX STATE RATE SALES TAX STATE SUMMARY SALES TAX TOTAL SALES TAX TOTAL DISPLAY SALES TAXABLE? SELL PRICE SHIP METHOD DISPLAY CALC SHIP TO CALC SHIP TO TEXT LOOKUP SHIP VIA SHIPPED? SHIPPING SHIPPING CHARGE SUMMARY SHIPPING COST CALC SHIPPING COST SUMMARY SHIPPING COST TOTAL SHIPPING DISPLAY CALC SHIPPING INVOICE COST SHIPPING INVOICE REVENUES SHIPPING MESSAGE SHIPPING N XTRA LOCAL SALES TAX SHIPPING N XTRA STATE SALES TAX SHIPPING TAXABLE? SOLD BY SOLD TO CALC SOLD TO TEXT LOOKUP STATUS LATE STATUS OPEN SUBTOTAL SUBTOTAL OF INVOICES SUBTOTAL SUMMARY ^ TERM DAYS TERMS DISPLAY THANK U FOR ORDER THANX FOR QUOTE TODAY DATE FIELD TOTAL TOTAL SUMMARY TOTAL WEIGHT LB OZ TOTAL WEIGHT SUB CALC TOTAL WT LBS DISPLAY TOTAL WT RND TO LBS TOTAL WT RND TO OZ TOTAL...GROSS SUMMARY TOTAL...OVERALL TOTAL...OVERALL SUM TOTAL..GROSS UPS 2 DAY LOOKUP UPS 2 DAY LTR RATE UPS 2 DAY LTR RATE CALC UPS 3 DAY SELECT LOOKUP UPS 3 DAY SELECT RATE UPS ADDR CORR L UP UPS ADDR CORR UPS AIR CALC DISPLAY UPS AOD CALC UPS AOD DEL. CARD UPS BLUE RATE UPS C.O.D. AMOUNT UPS C.O.D. AMOUNT SUM UPS C.O.D. MANIFEST SUM UPS C.O.D. TAGS UPS C.O.D. TAGS CALC UPS C.O.D. TAGS COUNT UPS C.O.D. TAGS LOOKUP UPS CALL TAG CALC UPS CALL TAG L UP UPS CALL TAG UPS CHECK CODE NUMBER UPS DECLARED CALC UPS DECLARED LOOKUP UPS DECLARED TOTAL DISPLAY UPS DECLARED UNITS UPS DECLARED UNITS $ UPS DECLARED UNITS $ SUM UPS DECLARED UNITS SUM UPS DECLARED VALUE UPS DEL CONFIRM L UP UPS DEL CONFIRM UPS GRND TRAC UPS GRND TRAC CALC UPS GRND TRAC COUNT UPS GRND TRAC DISPLAY UPS GRND TRAC LOOKUP UPS GRND TRAC NUMBER UPS GROUND RATE UPS HAZMAT CALC UPS HAZMAT LOOKUP UPS HAZMAT NUMBER UPS IN STATE CALC UPS LBS UPS LBS SUMMARY UPS MANIFEST COST DISPLAY UPS MANIFEST LBS DISPL UPS MISC CHARGES UPS NEXT DAY LOOKUP UPS NEXT DAY RATE UPS NEXT DAY RATE CALC UPS NUMBER UPS ORDER? UPS ORDER? COUNT UPS OS PKG CALC UPS OS PACKAGE UPS OUT STATE CALC UPS PICKUP ADDRESS UPS PICKUP RECORD NUMBER UPS RED RATE UPS RES DEL CALC UPS RES DELIVERY UPS REVENUE UPS REVENUE SUM UPS SAT DEL CALC UPS SAT DEL LOOKUP UPS SAT DELIVERY UPS SHIP TO STATE UPS SHIP TO ZIP UPS SIG REQ CALC UPS SIG REQUIRED UPS SIG REQUIRED LOOKUP UPS SUMMARY COST DISPLAY UPS TITLE DISPL CALC UPS TRACKING ID# UPS TRANSPORT COST SUM UPS TYPE SERVICE UPS YOUR COMPANY STATE UPS ZONE UPS ZONE DISPLAY UPS ZONE MANIFEST DISPLAY UPS ZONE WEIGHT 3D UPS ZONE WEIGHT B UPS ZONE WEIGHT G UPS ZONE WEIGHT R US 3RD CLASS MAIL RATE US 3RD CLASS MAIL RATE CALC US 4TH CLASS MAIL RATE US 4TH CLASS MAIL RATE CALC US EXPRESS MAIL ACCT NUM US EXPRESS MAIL RATE US EXPRESS MAIL RATE CALC US FC MAIL RATE US FC MAIL RATE CALC US MAIL DECLARED LOOKUP US MAIL ZONE USER CODE WAITING ON PAYMT WEIGHT DISPLAY CALC XTRA CHARGE AMT XTRA CHARGE AMT DISPLAY XTRA CHARGE AMT SUMMARY XTRA CHARGE AMT TOTAL XTRA CHARGE TAXABLE? XTRA CHARGE TEXT XTRA CHARGE TEXT DISPLAY YEAR NAME YOUR COMPANY NAME YOUR COMPANY NUMBER _PSEUDO PAGE NUMBER _RECORD CNT DEMO CLOSE LOOKUP DEMO CLOSE PICT DEMO PICT 1 DEMO PICT 1 LOOKUP DEMO PICT 2 DEMO PICT 2 LOOKUP DEMO PICT 3 DEMO PICT 3 LOOKUP DEMO PICT 4 DEMO PICT 4 LOOKUP DEMO PICT 5 DEMO PICT 5 LOOKUP DEMO PICT ARROW DEMO PICT ARROW 2 DEMO PICT ARROW 3 DEMO PICT ARROW LOOKUP DEMO PICT ARROW LOOKUP 2 DEMO PICT ARROW LOOKUP 3 Invoice NumberB Cust #B Orders.FMeK NO S/O Cust FirstB CustVend.FM A Cust LastB CustVend.FM CustomerB CustVend.FM Phone 1B CustVend.FM P.O. NumberB Orders.FMeM Order DateB Date ProcessedB Orders.FMe Date ShippedB A Pmt DatesB Orders.FMe Pmt MethodsB Orders.FMe ABck C.O.D. Discover Trade Charge Credit Discount Pmt #sB Orders.FMe Pmt AmtsB Orders.FMe A Pmt TotalB A-if(Document Type = "Invoice",sum(Pmt Amts),0) Invoice Late Pmt DueB A Term DaysB Orders.FMe A C.O.D. Pre-Pd Overdue DaysB A-if(Bal Due >0, Today Date Field - Due Date,0) Due DateB Date Shipped + Term Days Status LATEB A;if(Overdue Display > 0 AND Status OPEN = "OPEN","LATE","") LATE' Status OPENB A#if(Bal Due .01,"CLOSED","OPEN") CLOSED' Item NumberB Orders.FMe Order ItemB Orders.FMe !A Sale TypeB Orders.FMe Retail Wholesale RetailM Retail Orders.FMe Sell PriceB if(Order Item = Empty, Empty, if(extend(Charge For BackOrder?) = 0 AND Item Backorder Display = "B", 0, Price Extended - (Price Extended * (Extend(Discount)/100)))) Sales Tax State CalcB if(Trim(Extend(Sales Tax State)) = Trim(Extend(Cust State)) AND extend(Sale Type) = "Retail", round(Sell Price * extend(Sales Tax State Rate) * Sales Taxable?,2),0) Retail DiscountB T Orders.FMe TotalB round((SubTotal - Discount Total) + Sales Tax Total Display + Sales Tax Local Total Display + District Tax Total Display + Shipping + Xtra Charge Amt,2) ShippingB Orders.FMeM Price ExtendedB if(Order Item = Empty, Empty, if(extend(Charge For BackOrder?) = 0 AND Item Backorder Display = "B", 0, if(extend(Shipped?) "Shipped", Price Type Calc * Qty, if(extend(Shipped?) = "Shipped" AND Qty Shipped B+Empty, Price Type Calc * Qty Shipped, 0)))) Shipped Shipped Discount TotalB Afif(Sum (Price Extended) - Sum (Sell Price) > 0, round((Sum (Price Extended) - Sum (Sell Price)),2), 0) Cust StateB CustVend.FM Item Weight ExtendedB if(extend(Charge For BackOrder?) = 0 AND Item Backorder Display = "B", 0, if(extend(Shipped?) <> "Shipped", Qty * Item Weight, if (extend(Shipped?) = "Shipped" AND Qty Shipped >=.0001, Qty Shipped * Item WeightB , 0))) Shipped Shipped Item WeightB Orders.FMF Total Wt Rnd To OzB Azif(Total Weight Sub Calc - int(Total Weight Sub Calc) = 0, round(Total Weight Sub Calc,0), int(Total Weight Sub Calc) + 1) Ship ViaB , Orders.FMe Hand Deliver Cust Pick-Up 1st Cl.-Priority Mail 3rd Class Mail 4th Class Parcel Express Mail UPS Ground UPS 3 Day Select UPS Blue UPS Red UPS Overnite Letter UPS 2 Day Air Letter Fed Express Hand Deliver Total Wt Lbs DISPLAYB Aoif(round((Total Wt Rnd To Oz/16),3) < 1,Total Wt Rnd To Oz & " oz.",round((Total Wt Rnd To Oz/16),3) & " lbs.") oz.( lbs.( SubTotalB round(sum(Price Extended),2) F.O.B. CityB Orders.FMM F.O.B. StateB Orders.FMM F.O.B. CalcB A!F.O.B. City & ", " & F.O.B. State Your Company NameB Company.FM Sales Tax State LookUpB Orders.FMe Sales Tax StateB Company.FM Remit Address StackedB Company.FM Address StraightB Company.FMM Sold To Text LookupB CustVend.FMs Ship To Text LookupB Orders.FMe UPS NumberB Company.FM Ship Method Display CalcB if(UPS Order?="t", UPS Number,if(Ship Via = "Fed Express", Fed Express Num Lookup, if(Ship Via = "1st Cl.-Priority Mail" AND Total Weight Sub Calc 11, "FIRST CLASS MAIL", if(Ship Via = "1st Cl.-Priority Mail"B AND Total Weight Sub Calc > 11, "PRIORITY MAIL", if (ship via = "3rd Class Mail", "3rd CLASS MAIL", if(ship via = "4th class parcel", "4th CL.- Parcel",if(Ship Via = "express mail", US Express Mail Acct Num, C Ship Via))))))) Fed Express 1st Cl.-Priority Mail FIRST CLASS MAIL& 1st Cl.-Priority Mail PRIORITY MAIL& 3rd Class Mail 3rd CLASS MAIL& 4th class parcel 4B.th CL.- Parcel& express mail Bal Due SummaryB Sales Tax State SummaryB Discount Reg Inv Total SummaryB Late Pmt Due SummaryB Month NameB MonthName(Order Date) bA Year NameB Year(Order Date) Month NumberB Month(Order Date) Age...61 to 90B A:if(Overdue Display 61 AND Overdue Display 90, Bal Due,0) Age...91 to 180B A 0 AND UPS Declared Value 100, 0, (int((UPS Declared Value/100.001)+1) * UPS Declared LookUp) - UPS Declared LookUp)) UPS C.O.D. TagsB UPS Sig RequiredB UPS Sat DeliveryB UPS C.O.D. Tags CalcB A(UPS C.O.D. Tags * UPS C.O.D. Tags LookUp UPS HazMat NumberB UPS Sat Del CalcB A/if(UPS Sat Delivery="Yes",UPS Sat Del Lookup,0) UPS Sig Req CalcB A5if(UPS Sig Required= "Yes",UPS Sig Required Lookup,0) Shipping Cost CalcB if(Ship Via = "1st Cl.-Priority Mail", US FC Mail Rate, if(Ship Via = "3rd Class Mail", US 3rd Class Mail Rate, if(Ship Via = "4th Class Parcel", US 4th Class Mail Rate, if(Ship Via = "Express Mail", US ExpressB Mail Rate, if(Ship Via = "UPS 3 Day Select", UPS 3 Day Select Rate, if(Ship Via = "UPS Ground", UPS Ground Rate, if(Ship Via = "UPS Blue", UPS Blue Rate, if(Ship Via = "UPS Red", UPS Red Rate, if(Ship Via = "U PS Overnite Letter", UPS Next Day Rate, if(Ship Via = "UPS 2 Day Air Letter", UPS 2 Day Ltr Rate, if(Ship Via = "Fed Express", if(UPS Sat Delivery = "Yes", Fed Ex Rate + UPS Sat Del Lookup, Fed Ex Rate), 0)))))D )))))) 1st Cl.-Priority Mail 3rd Class Mail 4th Class Parcel Express Mail UPS 3 Day Select UPS Ground UPS Blue UPS Red UPS Overnite Letter UPS 2 Day Air Letter Fed Express Shipping Cost TotalB if(Total Wt Rnd To Lbs > 70, 0, if(UPS Order? "T",Shipping Cost Calc, if(Ship Via = "UPS Overnite Letter" OR Ship Via = "UPS Red", Shipping Cost Calc + UPS Misc Charges + UPS C.O.D. Tags Calc + UPS Sat Del Ca lc + UPS Sig Req Calc + UPS Declared Calc, if(Ship Via = "UPS Blue" OR Ship Via = "UPS 2 Day Air Letter", Shipping Cost Calc + UPS Misc Charges + UPS C.O.D. Tags Calc + UPS HazMat Calc + UPS Sig Req Calc + UPSC Declared Calc, Shipping Cost Calc + UPS Misc Charges + UPS C.O.D. Tags Calc + UPS HazMat Calc + UPS Sig Req Calc + UPS Declared Calc + UPS Grnd Trac Calc)))) UPS Overnite Letter UPS Red UPS Blue UPS 2 Day Air Letter Xtra Charge TextB T Orders.FMe A^NONE Gift Wrap Handling Late Fee Overnight Freight C.O.D. Tag(s) Xtra UPS Chg Special NONEM Xtra Charge AmtB Orders.FMe A Note CodeB A]NONE Thank U For Order Quote Thank You Outstanding Bal Waiting on Paymt Free Gift Custom Note Thank U For Order Note Code CalcB if(note code = "Thank U For Order", Thank U For Order, if(note code = "Waiting on Paymt", Waiting on Paymt, if(note code = "Free Gift", Free Gift, if(note code = "Outstanding Bal", Outstanding Bal, if(note code BY = "Custom Note", Custom Note, if(note code = "Quote Thank You", Thanx For Quote,"")))))) Thank U For Order Waiting on Paymt ' Free Gift Outstanding Bal Custom Note Quote Thank You Total Wt Rnd To LbsB if(Total Weight Sub Calc < 16, 0, if((Total Weight Sub Calc/16) - int(Total Weight Sub Calc/16) = 0, int(Total Weight Sub Calc/16), int(Total Weight Sub Calc/16) + 1)) US FC Mail Rate CalcB if(Total Weight Sub Calc < 16, "0," & Total Wt Rnd To Oz & ",F,99", IF(US Mail Zone "Loc", Total Wt Rnd To Lbs & ",0,F," & US Mail Zone, Total Wt Rnd To Lbs & ",0,F,0")) ,F,99(& ,0,F,(& ,0,F,0( UPS Order?B if(Ship Via="UPS Overnite Letter","T",if(Ship Via="UPS 2 Day Air Letter","T",if(Ship Via="UPS Ground","T",if(Ship Via="UPS Red","T",if(Ship Via="UPS Blue","T",if(Ship Via="UPS 3 Day Select","T","")))))) UPS Overnite Letter UPS 2 Day Air Letter UPS Ground UPS Red UPS Blue UPS 3 Day Select UPS Pickup AddressB , Orders.FMe UPS Ship To StateB Orders.FMe UPS Ship To ZipB Orders.FMe UPS Res DeliveryB UPS Grnd TracB UPS Res Del CalcB A!if(UPS Res Delivery="Yes","X","") UPS Grnd Trac DisplayB AFif(UPS Grnd Trac = "Yes","X","") & if(UPS Addr Corr = "X", " AC","") UPS In State CalcB if(Ship Via = "UPS Ground" AND UPS Ship To State = UPS Your Company State, UPS Zone, if(Ship Via = "UPS 3 Day Select" AND UPS Ship To State = UPS Your Company State,UPS 3 Day Select Lookup,"")) UPS Ground UPS 3 Day Select UPS Out State CalcB if(Ship Via = "UPS Ground" AND UPS Ship To State UPS Your Company State, UPS Zone, if(Ship Via = "UPS 3 Day Select" AND UPS Ship To State UPS Your Company State,UPS 3 Day Select Lookup,"")) UPS Ground UPS 3 Day Select Age...31 to 60B A:if(Overdue Display 31 and Overdue Display 60, Bal Due,0) Age...31 to 60 SumB Discount Text DisplayB A6if(Discount > 0, round(Discount,2) & "% DISCOUNT:","") % DISCOUNT:(' Xtra Charge Text DisplayB A1if(Xtra Charge Amt > 0,Xtra Charge Text & ":","") Xtra Charge Amt DisplayB A1if(Xtra Charge Amt = Empty,Empty,Xtra Charge Amt) Last Pmt Text DisplayB if(Pmt Total > 0,"Last Payment: " & last(Pmt Methods) & " #" & last (Pmt #s) & " for $" & last(Pmt Amts) & if(Int(Last(Pmt Amts)) = Last(Pmt Amts), ".00", if(Length(last(Pmt Amts)) - Position(Last(Pmt Amts),"BD.",1) = 1, "0","")) & " - posted " & DateToText(last(Pmt Dates)),"") Last Payment: W for $(W - posted (W Discount Total DisplayB if(Discount Total > 0,"-$" & round(Discount Total,2) & if(Int(Discount Total) = Discount Total, ".00", if(Length(round(Discount Total,2)) - Position(round(Discount Total,2),".",1) = 1, "0", "")),"") Cust Address 1B CustVend.FM A Cust CityB CustVend.FM Cust ZipB CustVend.FM Total Weight Lb ozB if(Total Wt Rnd To Oz/16 = Total Wt Rnd To Lbs, Total Wt Rnd To Lbs & " lbs 0 oz", if(Total Weight Sub Calc < 16, "0 lbs " & Round(Total Weight Sub Calc,1) & " oz", if((Total Weight Sub Calc 16) AND (Total W eight Sub Calc 31), int(Total Wt Rnd To Oz/16) & " lb " & Round(Total Weight Sub Calc - ((Total Wt Rnd To Lbs -1) * 16),1) & " oz", int(Total Wt Rnd To Oz/16) & " lbs " & Round(Total Weight Sub Calc - (C-(Total Wt Rnd To Lbs - 1) * 16),1) & " oz"))) ' lbs 0 oz( 0 lbs lb ( lbs ( Overdue DisplayB A#if(Overdue Days > 0,Overdue Days,0) Remit Address StraightB Company.FM Custom NoteB Thank U For OrderB "Dear " & Cust First &"," & " " & "Thank you for your order. We appreciate your business and we hope you will help spread the word by telling others about us." Dear & ('{Thank you for your order. We appreciate your business and we hope you will help spread the word by telling others about us.( Waiting on PaymtB "Dear " & Cust First &"," & " " & "Thank you for your order. We have your order ready for shipment. Please send your payment as soon as possible for the amount indicated here under Balance Due and we will rush B your order to you. Thank you." Dear & Thank you for your order. We have your order ready for shipment. Please send your payment as soon as possible for the amount indicated here under Balance Due and we will rush your order to B you. Thank you.( A Free GiftB "Dear " & Cust First &"," & " " & "Thank you for your order. Enjoy your FREE Gift which we have included in with your shipment. We hope you ll tell others about us. Hope to hear from you again soon." Dear & Thank you for your order. Enjoy your FREE Gift which we have included in with your shipment. We hope you ll tell others about us. Hope to hear from you again soon.( Outstanding BalB "Dear " & Cust First &"," & " " & "Thank you for your order and for your support of " & Your Company Name & ". We are shipping your order so that you will receive it in time, eventhough there is a balance due. ByPLEASE SEND PAYMENT FOR THE AMOUNT DUE AT YOUR EARLIEST CONVENIENCE so that we may reconcile our accounting. Thank you." Dear & ('1Thank you for your order and for your support of (& . We are shipping your order so that you will receive it in time, eventhough there is a balance due. PLEASE SEND PAYMENT FOR THE AMOUBYNT DUE AT YOUR EARLIEST CONVENIENCE so that we may reconcile our accounting. Thank you.( Remit Addr CalcB Atif(Address Straight Remit Address Straight AND Bal Due > 0, "Remit payment to:" & " " & Remit Address Straight,"") Remit payment to:' UPS Next Day Rate CalcB UPS Next Day Lookup & ",Ltr,R" ,Ltr,R( Sold ByB Orders.FMe Emp Name Title CalcB Employee.FM US Mail ZoneB Orders.FMF US FC Mail RateB MailRate.FM US 4th Class Mail Rate CalcB IF(US Mail Zone = "Loc" AND Total Weight Sub Calc 32, "2,0,Z,0", if (US Mail Zone "Loc" AND Total Weight Sub Calc 32, "2,0,Z," & US Mail Zone, if(US Mail Zone "Loc", Total Wt Rnd To Lbs & ",0,Z," & US MB+ail Zone, Total Wt Rnd To Lbs & ",0,Z,0"))) 2,0,Z,0& 2,0,Z,& ,0,Z,(& ,0,Z,0( US 4th Class Mail RateB MailRate.FM US Express Mail Rate CalcB if(Total Wt Rnd To Oz < 16, "0," & Total Wt Rnd To Oz & ",X,0", if(Total Wt Rnd To Oz/16 = Total Wt Rnd To Lbs,Total Wt Rnd To Lbs & ",0,X,0", int(Total Weight Sub Calc/16) & "," & round((Total Weight Sub Cal B8c/16 - int(Total Weight Sub Calc/16)) * 16,0) & ",X,0")) ,X,0( ,0,X,0( ,X,0( US Express Mail RateB MailRate.FM UPS Next Day RateB UPSRates.FM UPS 2 Day Ltr Rate CalcB UPS 2 Day Lookup & ",Ltr,B" ,Ltr,B( UPS 2 Day Ltr RateB UPSRates.FM Fed Ex Rate CALCB AaIf(Total Wt Rnd To Oz < 8, "0," & Total Wt Rnd To Oz & ",FX,0", Total Wt Rnd To Lbs & ",0,FX,0") ,FX,0( ,0,FX,0( UPS Declared TOTAL DisplayB AFif(UPS Declared Value > 0, "$" & round(UPS Declared Value + 100,2),"") UPS C.O.D. Tags LookUpB UPSRates.FM UPS HazMat LookUpB UPSRates.FM UPS Sat Del LookupB UPSRates.FM UPS Declared LookUpB UPSRates.FM UPS Sig Required LookupB UPSRates.FM UPS Air CALC DisplayB if(Ship Via = "UPS Overnite Letter", left(UPS Next Day Rate Calc,2), if(Ship Via = "UPS 2 Day Air Letter", left(UPS 2 Day Ltr Rate Calc,2), if(Ship Via = "UPS Blue", left(UPS zone weight b,2),if(Ship Via = "UPSB' Red", left(UPS zone weight r,2),"")))) UPS Overnite Letter UPS 2 Day Air Letter UPS Blue UPS Red US 3rd Class Mail RateB MailRate.FM US 3rd Class Mail Rate CalcB AMif(Total Weight Sub Calc < 16, "0," & Total Wt Rnd To Oz & ",T,0", "0,0,0,0") ,T,0(' 0,0,0,0 Your Company NumberB T Orders.FMe US Mail Declared LookUpB Shipping MessageB if(UPS Order? = "T" AND UPS OS Pkg Calc = "X" AND UPS Lbs < 30, "Oversize - 30lb. rate", if(UPS Order? = "T" AND UPS OS Pkg Calc = "X" AND UPS Lbs 30, "NO OS over 30lbs!", if(Total Weight Sub Calc 16 AND ShBeip Via = "3rd Class Mail" ,"Can't Ship 3rd", if(Total Wt Rnd To Lbs > 70, "NO RATE, > 70 lbs!","")))) Oversize - 30lb. rate& NO OS over 30lbs! 3rd Class Mail Can't Ship 3rd NO RATE, > 70 lbs!' Total Weight Sub CalcB A^if(Carton Type = "NONE", Sum(Item Weight Extended), sum(Item Weight Extended) + Carton Weight) UPS LbsB A3if(Total Wt Rnd To Lbs = 0, 1, Total Wt Rnd To Lbs) Cust Contact LookupB ANif((Cust First & " " & Cust Last) = Customer,"", Cust First & " " & Cust Last) UPS Your Company StateB Company.FM Cust Resale NumberB CustVend.FM UPS Grnd Trac LookupB UPSRates.FM UPS Grnd Trac CalcB ALif(UPS Grnd Trac = "Yes" AND Ship Via = "UPS Ground",UPS Grnd Trac Lookup,0) UPS Ground UPS Grnd Trac NumberB UPS HazMat CalcB AAif(UPS HazMat Number 1,UPS HazMat Number * UPS HazMat LookUp,0) Shipping Display CALCB if(Shipping > 0,"Shipping","") Shipping' Fed Express Num LookupB Company.FM US Express Mail Acct NumB Company.FM Shipping Cost SummaryB Emp Commission LookupB Employee.FM Emp GR Commission CalcB ABround((SubTotal - Discount Total) * (Emp Commission Lookup/100),2) Emp NET Commission CalcB (Pmt Total - Shipping - Xtra Charge Amt Display - Sales Tax Local Total Display - Sales Tax Total Display) * (Emp Commission Lookup/100) Emp Gr Com SummaryB Emp Net Com SummaryB UPS Zone DisplayB If (UPS Order? = "T" AND UPS In State Calc "" ,"UPS Zone " & UPS In State Calc, if(UPS Order? = "T" AND UPS Out State Calc "", "UPS Zone " & UPS Out State Calc, if(UPS Order? = "T" AND UPS Air CALC DisplayB0 "","UPS Zone " & UPS Air CALC Display, ""))) ' UPS Zone & ' UPS Zone & ' UPS Zone & UPS Title Displ CalcB if(UPS Order?="t", "UPS SHIPPER NO", if(Ship Via = "Fed Express", "FEDERAL EXPRESS #" , if(Ship Via = "1st Cl.-Priority Mail" AND Total Weight Sub Calc 11, "Handle With Care", if(Ship Via = "1st Cl.-Priority B Mail" AND Total Weight Sub Calc > 11, "Please RUSH", if(Ship Via = "Cust Pick-Up","Please Hold for", if(Ship Via = "Hand Deliver", "Via Courier", if (ship via = "3rd Class mail", "Handle With Care", if(ship via Ck = "4th class parcel", "Handle With Care",if(Ship Via = "express mail","EXPRESS Mail Account #",""))))))))) UPS SHIPPER NO& Fed Express FEDERAL EXPRESS #& 1st Cl.-Priority Mail Handle With Care& 1st Cl.-Priority Mail Please RUSH& Cust Pick-Up Please Hold for Hand Deliver Via Courier& 3rd Class mail Handle With Care& 4th class parcel Handle With Care& express mail EXPRESS Mail Account #' UPS OS PackageB UPS OS Pkg CalcB AVif(UPS Lbs 30, Empty, If (UPS OS Package = " " OR UPS OS Package = "X","X",Empty)) UPS AOD Del. CardB UPS AOD CalcB A$If (UPS Sig Required = "Yes","X","") UPS Manifest LBS DisplB If(Ship Via = "UPS Overnite Letter" OR Ship Via = "UPS 2 Day Air Letter", "Ltr", If(Total Wt Rnd To Lbs < 1, 1, Total Wt Rnd To Lbs)) UPS Overnite Letter UPS 2 Day Air Letter Today Date FieldB Early Pay DiscountB Orders.FMe Early Pay Day TermsB Orders.FMe Invoice CountB _N^Nu Invoice AverageB Pmt Total SummaryB _N^Nu Item # SummaryB _N^Nu Inventory UpdatedB Updated Price Type CalcB AEif(Price...Choice Empty, Price...Choice,Price Lookup Value Display) Price...ChoiceB Orders.FMe Sales Taxable?B T Orders.FMF Taxable Sales Tax TotalB ACround(Sum(Sales Tax State Calc) +Shipping n Xtra State Sales Tax,2) Document TypeB , Orders.FMF Invoice Return InvoiceM Invoice Due Date StatementB if(Document Type = "Return", "", if(Document Type = "Invoice" AND Bal Due = 0, "", if(Document Type = "Invoice" AND Bal Due > 0 AND Term Days "C.O.D.", "Your balance is due and payable on or before: " & DayNaB me(Due Date) & ", " & Left(MonthName (Due Date),3) & " " & Day(Due Date) & ", ' " & right(Year(Due Date),2), "Your balance is due and payable upon receipt."))) Return Invoice Invoice C.O.D. '.Your balance is due and payable on or before: , ' ( 4('-Your balance is B due and payable upon receipt. Thanx For QuoteB "Thank you for the opportunity to bid on your project. If you have any questions, or require any further information, please do not hesitate to call." Thank you for the opportunity to bid on your project. If you have any questions, or require any further information, please do not hesitate to call. document Printed?B Printed Doc Type Total LabelB if(Document Type = "Invoice", "Invoice Amt", if(Document Type = "Quote", "Quote Amt", if(Document Type = "Estimate","Est Amt", "Credit Amt"))) Invoice Invoice Amt& Quote ' Quote Amt& Estimate Est Amt' Credit Amt Invoice TotalB AEif(Document Type = "Invoice", round(Total..Gross + Late Pmt Due,2),0) Invoice Invoice Total SummaryB _N^Nu Min Order DateB _N^Nu Max Order DateB _N^Nu Late Invoice?B AMif(Bal Due > 0 AND Overdue Display > 0 AND Document Type = "Invoice", "T","") Invoice Late Invoice CountB _N^Nu Invoice?B A$if(Document Type = "Invoice","T","") Invoice Late Invoice TotalB A"if(Late Invoice? = "T", Bal Due,0) messageB if(Document Type "Return", " ", "RETURN/CREDIT ") & if(Sale Type = "Wholesale" AND sum(Sales Taxable?) > 0, "Sales Tax is not added to a Wholesale transaction.","") Return ' RETURN/CREDIT !' Wholesale '2Sales Tax is not added to a Wholesale transaction.' Cust Credit LimitB CustVend.FM Price Lookup Value DisplayB , Orders.FMF Proposal TextB Sales Tax Total DisplayB A5if(extend(Sale Type) = "Wholesale",0,Sales Tax Total) !' Wholesale Expected Ship DateB Orders.FMF Proposal Cust Ref #B Proposal Our Ref #B P-1135 Proposal Project NameB Expected Shipping Display CalcB if(Expected Ship Date = "", "No Shipping Date Scheduled", DayName(Expected Ship Date) & ", " & left(MonthName(Expected Ship Date),3) & " " & Day(Expected Ship Date) & ", '" & Right(Year(Expected Ship Date),2)) No Shipping Date Scheduled Terms DisplayB if(Early Pay Discount = 0 OR Early Pay Discount = "", Term Days & if(Term Days "Pre-Pd" AND Term Days "C.O.D.", " Days Net",""), Early Pay Discount & "% " & Early Pay Day Terms & "/ " & Term Days & " days B net") Pre-Pd & C.O.D. ' Days Net' (' days net( TA Item CostB T Orders.FMF Item Cost ExtendedB if(extend(Charge For BackOrder?) = 0 AND Item Backorder Display = "B", 0, if(Qty Shipped = "" OR Qty Shipped = 0, Qty * Item Cost, Qty Shipped * Item Cost)) Gross Profit ExtendedB A(round(Sell Price - Item Cost Extended,2) Gross ProfitB round(Net Sales - Sales Tax Minus Return Tax - Shipping Invoice Cost - Item Cost Invoice Calc - Discount Reg Inv Total - Early Pay Inv Disc Amt - Refund Amt,2) Early Pay DateB A"Date Shipped + Early Pay Day Terms Early Pay Disc AmtB A,round(Subtotal * (Early Pay Discount/100),2) Early Pay OK?B if(last(pmt Dates) = "" AND Today Date Field Early Pay Date AND Early Pay Discount > 0, "Add'l discount applies", if(Pmt Total (Total - Early Pay Disc Amt) AND Today Date Field Early Pay Date AND Early PB ay Discount > 0, "Add'l discount applies", if(last(Pmt Dates) > Early Pay Date, "NO add'l discount - LATE", if(last(Pmt Dates) Early Pay Date AND Early Pay Date > Today Date Field AND Pmt Total < (Total - Early Pay Disc Amt), "NO add'l discount - $ SHORT", if(last(Pmt Dates) > Early Pay Date AND Early Pay Date Today Date Field AND Pmt Total (Total - Early Pay Disc Amt), "NO add'l discount - LATE", if(last(PD mt Dates) Early Pay Date AND Early Pay Date Today Date Field AND Pmt Total < (Total - Early Pay Disc Amt), "NO add'l discount - $ SHORT","Add'l discount applies")))))) Add'l discount applies Add'l discount appliesW NO add'l discount - LATEW NO add'l discount - $ SHORTB NO add'l discount - LATEW NO add'l discount - $ SHORT' Add'l discount applies Total...OverallB Asif(Early Pay OK? = "Add'l discount applies", round(Total - Early Pay Amt Calc - Sales Tax Early Pay Disc,2), Total) Add'l discount applies Bal DueB if(Document Type = "Invoice", round((Total...Overall + Late Pmt Due) - Pmt Total,2), if(Document Type = "Return", -1 * round((Total...Overall - Late Pmt Due) - Credit Reductions - Refund Amt,2),0)) Invoice Return Doc Type Sale LabelB Document Type & " Total" Total( Subtotal SummaryB _N^Nu Early Pay Inv Disc Amt SumB _N^Nu Early Pay Text DisplayB if(Bal Due > 0 AND Early Pay Disc Amt > 0 AND Today Date Field Early Pay Date, "You can save an extra " & Early Pay Discount & "% on this " & Document Type & " if we receive your payment on or before " & leftB (dayName(Early Pay Date),3) & ", " & left(monthName(Early Pay Date),3) & " " & day(Early Pay Date) & if(day(Early Pay Date) = "1" OR day(Early Pay Date) = "21" OR day(Early Pay Date) = "31", "st", if(day(Early Pay Date) = "2" OR day(Early Pay Date) = "22", "nd", if(day(Early Pay Date) = "3" OR day(Early Pay Date) = "23", "rd", "th"))) & ". Your discounted total would be: $" & round(Total...Overall,2) & if(Int(round(TD otal...Overall,2)) = Total...Overall,".00",if(Length(round(Total...Overall,2)) - Position(round(Total...Overall,2),".",1) = 1,"0","")),"") You can save an extra % on this (& (') if we receive your payment on or before ( ('#. Your discounted total would be: $( Gross Profit SummaryB Item Cost SummaryB Xtra Charge Amt TotalB A0if(Document Type = "Invoice", Xtra Charge Amt,0) Invoice Xtra Charge Amt SummaryB Subtotal of InvoicesB A)if(Document Type = "Invoice", Subtotal,0) Invoice Shipping Invoice RevenuesB A(if(Document Type = "Invoice",Shipping,0) Invoice Discount Reg Inv TotalB A.if(Document Type = "Invoice",Discount Total,0) Invoice Item Cost Invoice CalcB A8if(Document Type = "Invoice", sum(Item Cost Extended),0) Invoice Total..GrossB A:round(Total + Discount Total - Sales Tax Early Pay Disc,2) Cust % of Inv Sales..OverallB Return SummaryB Return TotalB AGif(Document Type = "Return", round(Refund Amt + Credit Reductions,2),0) Return Return Total SummaryB Inv Gross Minus ReturnsB AOround((Invoice Total - Discount Overall Total + Late Pmt Due) - Return Total,2) Inv Gross Sum Minus ReturnsB _N^Nu Discount Inv Overall SummaryB Inventory Updated DateB Invoice Inv Update calcB A_if(document Type = "Invoice", if(Inventory Updated "Updated" AND Shipped? = "Shipped",1,0),0) Invoice Updated & Shipped Invoice Update Needed? SumB Cust Address 2B CustVend.FM Quicken Exported?B Exported Emp NameB Employee.FM Emp TypeB Employee.FM Emp Work PhoneB Employee.FM Item Backorder?B Products.FM Item Backorder DisplayB , Orders.FMF Qty ShippedB , Orders.FMF Shipped?B A"if(Date Shipped <>"","Shipped","") Shipped' Shipped UPS 3 Day Select LookupB Orders.FMF UPS 2 Day LookupB Orders.FMF UPS Next Day LookupB Orders.FMF UPS zone weight 3DB A`UPS 3 Day Select Lookup & ","& if(UPS OS Package = " " AND UPS Lbs < 30, "30", UPS Lbs) & ",3D" UPS 3 Day Select RateB UPSRates.FM Sales Tax Local LookUpB Orders.FMe Sales Tax Local CalcB if(Trim(extend(Sales Tax State)) = Trim(extend(Cust State)) AND extend(Sale Type) = "Retail", round(Sell Price * extend(Sales Tax Local Rate) * Sales Taxable?,2),0) Retail Sales Tax Local TotalB ACround(Sum(Sales Tax Local Calc) +Shipping n Xtra Local Sales Tax,2) Sales Tax Local Total DisplayB A;if(extend(Sale Type) = "Wholesale",0,Sales Tax Local Total) !' Wholesale Sales Tax Local CategoryB Company.FMM Sales Tax State CategoryB Company.FMM Income CategoryB Company.FMM Sales Tax Local SummaryB Sales Tax Overall SummaryB Cust % of Inv Sales By CompB Weight Display CalcB A;if(UPS Order? = "F", Total Weight Lb oz, UPS Lbs & " Lbs") Lbs( Return?B A#if(Document Type = "Return","T","") Return Return Total CountB Return Inv Update calcB AEif(document Type = "Return", if(Inventory Updated = "Updated",0,1),0) Return Updated Return Update Needed? SumB UPS C.O.D. AmountB A*if(UPS C.O.D. Tags > 0, Total...Overall,0) UPS Manifest Cost DisplayB if(Total Wt Rnd To Lbs > 70, 0, if(UPS Order? "T",Shipping Cost Calc, if(Ship Via = "UPS Overnite Letter" OR Ship Via = "UPS Red", Shipping Cost Calc + UPS Sat Del Calc + UPS Sig Req Calc, if(Ship Via = "UPS B Blue" OR Ship Via = "UPS 2 Day Air Letter", Shipping Cost Calc + UPS HazMat Calc + UPS Sig Req Calc, Shipping Cost Calc + UPS HazMat Calc + UPS Sig Req Calc + UPS Grnd Trac Calc)))) UPS Overnite Letter UPS Red UPS Blue UPS 2 Day Air Letter UPS C.O.D. Amount SumB UPS Grnd Trac CountB UPS C.O.D. Tags CountB UPS Zone Manifest DisplayB If (UPS Order? = "T" AND UPS In State Calc "" , UPS In State Calc, if(UPS Order? = "T" AND UPS Out State Calc "", UPS Out State Calc, if(UPS Order? = "T" AND UPS Air CALC Display "", UPS Air CALC DisplaB y, ""))) UPS Tracking ID#B UPS Lbs SummaryB UPS Type ServiceB A^if(UPS Zone Manifest Display >= 12 AND UPS Zone Manifest Display <=26, "Air","Common Carrier") Common Carrier UPS Order? CountB UPS Summary Cost DisplayB UPS Call Tag UPS Call Tag CalcB A5If(UPS Call Tag " OR UPS Call Tag ="X","X","") UPS Call Tag L upB UPSRates.FM UPS Addr Corr UPS Addr Corr L upB UPSRates.FM UPS Del Confirm UPS Del Confirm L upB UPSRates.FM UPS Misc ChargesB If (UPS Call Tag Calc = "X" AND Ship Via = "UPS Ground",UPS Call Tag L up,0) + if(UPS Del Confirm " OR UPS Del Confirm ="X",UPS Del Confirm L up,0) UPS Ground A User CodeB Sales Tax DisplayB AZSales Tax State Inv Display + Sales Tax Local Inv Display + District Tax Total Inv Display Age...Over 365B A"if(Overdue Display >365,Bal Due,0) Age...Over 365 SumB District TaxB District Tax CalcB if(extend(Sales Tax State) = extend(Cust State) AND extend(Sale Type) = "Retail", round(Sell Price * (extend(District Tax)/100) * Sales Taxable?,2),0) Retail District Tax TotalB sum(District Tax Calc) District Tax Total DisplayB A8if(extend(Sale Type) = "Wholesale",0,District Tax Total) !' Wholesale District Tax SummaryB :(_N^Nu District Tax CategoryB District Tax Dist NameB Total...Overall SumB District Tax Total Inv DisplayB if(Total...Overall Total, round(District Tax Total Display - (District Tax Total Display * (Early Pay Discount/100)),2), District Tax Total Display) Sales Tax State Inv DisplayB A}if(Total...Overall Total, round(Sales Tax Total - (Sales Tax Total * (Early Pay Discount/100)),2), Sales Tax Total Display) Sales Tax Local Inv DisplayB if(Total...Overall Total, round(Sales Tax Local Total Display - (Sales Tax Local Total Display * (Early Pay Discount/100)),2),Sales Tax Local Total Display) Early Pay Amt CalcB ACif(Early Pay OK? = "Add'l discount applies", Early Pay Disc Amt, 0) Add'l discount applies Discount Overall TotalB A#Discount Total + Early Pay Amt Calc Total...Gross SummaryB _N^Nu Exp DateB Orders.FMF Invoice State Sales TaxB A 0, "Early Pay Disc","") Add'l discount applies Early Pay Disc' Early Pay Amt LabelB if(Early Pay OK? = "Add'l Discount Applies" AND Early Pay Amt Calc > 0, "-$" & round(Early Pay Amt Calc,2) & if(Int(Early Pay Amt Calc) = Early Pay Amt Calc, ".00", if(Length(round(Early Pay Amt Calc,2)) - PosB;ition(round(Early Pay Amt Calc,2),".",1) = 1, "0", "")),"") Add'l Discount Applies Sales Tax Local RateB Sales Tax Local LookUp / 100 Sales Tax State RateB Sales Tax State LookUp / 100 Cust Fax NumberB CustVend.FMv Return AddressB Company.FMM Cust Address CalcB Customer & " " & if(Cust Address 2 "", Cust Address 1 & " " & Cust Address 2, Cust Address 1) & " " & Cust City & ", " & Cust State & " " & Cust Zip Sold To CalcB ADif(Sold To Text Lookup = "", Cust Address Calc, Sold To Text Lookup) Ship To CalcB A?if(Ship To Text Lookup "", Ship To Text Lookup, Sold To Calc) Referred ByB CustVend.FM Trade Show A Trade Show B Trade Show C Walk-In Salesperson... Customer... Vendor... Telemarket Friend... PROMOTIONS Phone Book Flyer... Newspaper Ad Trade Ad... Radio... TV... Contact TitleB CustVend.FM Shipping Charge SummaryB Shipping Taxable?B Xtra Charge Taxable?B Shipping n Xtra Local Sales TaxB if(Shipping Taxable? = 1, Shipping * Sales Tax Local Rate,0) + if(Xtra Charge Taxable? = 1, Xtra Charge Amt * Sales Tax Local Rate,0) Shipping n Xtra State Sales TaxB round(if(Shipping Taxable? = 1, Shipping * Sales Tax State Rate,0) + if(Xtra Charge Taxable? = 1, Xtra Charge Amt * Sales Tax State Rate,0),2) Age...Current Chrgs GrossB AXif(Overdue Display 30 AND Document Type = "Invoice",Total...Overall + Late Pmt Due ,0) Invoice Age...Current Chrgs SumB Age...Overdue Chrgs GrossB Awif(Overdue Display 31 AND Document Type = "Invoice", (Total...Overall + Late Pmt Due) - Age...Current Chrgs Gross,0) Invoice Age...Overdue Chrgs SumB Pmt Total DisplayB A*if(Document Type = "Invoice", Pmt Total,0) Invoice Refund AmtB A.if(Document Type = "Return", Last(Pmt Amts),0) Return Credit ReductionsB A:if(Document Type = "Return", Sum(Pmt Amts) - Refund Amt,0) Return Pmt Total Display SumB Credit Total Display SumB Credit Reductions SumB Credit MessageB A2if(Bal Due < 0, "Credit Balance - DO NOT PAY!","") Credit Balance - DO NOT PAY!' Discount Overall Inv TotalB A7if(Document Type = "Invoice", Discount Overall Total,0) Invoice Early Pay Inv Disc AmtB A4if(Document Type = "Invoice", Early Pay Disc Amt, 0) Invoice A Net SalesB A!Invoice Total + Credit Reductions Net Sales SumB Shipping Invoice CostB A3if(Document Type = "Invoice",Shipping Cost Total,0) Invoice Return Sales TaxB A1if(Document Type = "Return", Sales Tax Display,0) Return Return Sales Tax SumB Sales Tax Minus Return TaxB Aiif(Document Type = "Invoice", Sales Tax Display, if(Document Type = "Return", -1 * Sales Tax Display,0)) Invoice Return _Record CntB _Pseudo Page NumberB A-if(_Record Cnt 100,0, Int(_Record Cnt/100)) UPS Declared UnitsB A0round(UPS Declared Calc / UPS Declared LookUp,0) UPS Declared Units SumB :(_N^Nu UPS Declared Units $B A1Round(UPS Declared Units * UPS Declared LookUp,2) UPS Declared Units $ SumB :(_N^Nu Cust Resale DISPLAYB if(Cust Resale Number = "" AND Sale Type = "Wholesale", "We need your RESALE number for tax purposes!", if(Cust Resale Number "" AND Sale Type = "Wholesale", "Resale Number: " & Cust Resale Number,"")) !' Wholesale ',We need your RESALE number for tax purposes!& !' Wholesale Resale Number: & Sales Order NumberB ColorB , Orders.FMF Cherry Lt. Red Dk. Red Blood Red Azure Lt. Blue Dk. Blue Green Sea Foam Lt. Green Dk. Green Forrest Yellow Beige SizeB , Orders.FMF A=X-Small Child Small Medium Large X-Large XX-Large XXX-Large Demo Pict 1 LookupB Demo Pict 2 LookupB Demo Pict 3 LookupB Demo Pict 4 LookupB Demo Pict 5 LookupB Demo Pict 1B DemoPict.FM Demo Pict 2B DemoPict.FM Demo Pict 3B DemoPict.FM Demo Pict 4B DemoPict.FM Demo Pict 5B DemoPict.FM Demo Pict ArrowB DemoPict.FM Demo Pict Arrow LookupB Demo Pict Arrow 2B DemoPict.FM Demo Pict Arrow Lookup 2B Demo Pict Arrow 3B DemoPict.FM Demo Pict Arrow Lookup 3B Demo Close LookupB Demo Close PictB DemoPict.FM EmptyB UPS C.O.D. Manifest SumB UPS Transport Cost SumB UPS RevenueB A@UPS C.O.D. Tags Calc + UPS Declared Units $ + Shipping Cost Calc UPS Revenue SumB DATA ENTRY 9" ITEM ENTRY 9" Invoice Packing/Invoice Accounts Receivable Aging Report Customer History @GA Statement FINAL Notice UPS Pickup Record REPORTS WELCOME Late Notice Ship Labels (6) Avery # 5164 DATA ENTRY 13" ITEM ENTRY 13" Customer Statistics INVENTORY UPDATE PAYMENT ENTRY 9" PROPOSAL 9" PROPOSAL 13" Expected Shipping Schedule Proposal Printout Sales By Customer (All) Sales By Customer (By Company) Sales By Employee (All) Sales By Employee (By Company) Sales By Company Long Invoice LONG ITEM ENTRY 9" LONG ITEM ENTRY 13" UPS Pickup Find UPS Shipping Manifest UPS Shipping Manifest Summary EZ DATA ENTRY Aging Schedule Date Find - No Name A Sales Commissions by Salesperson GUIDED TOUR Date Find - With Name DATA ENTRY 9"B FAX # Phone E Term Days Overdue Due Date Doc # E Sale Type Your Co. FAX # Phone E Term Days Overdue Due Date Doc # E Sale Type Your Co. Proposal Print A/R Rep. Item Entry Payments Reports Data Entry BIZ Basics Pro Ver 2.1v1 E Note Code Custom Note E Note Code Custom Note UPS Zone UPS Zone Expected Ship Date Expected Ship Date P.O. Number P.O. Number Invoice Date Invoice Date Order Date Order Date Date Shipped Date Shipped Your Co# Your Co# Sold By Sold By E Inventory E Record @@ First/Last Customer E Address 1 City/St/Zip First/Last """""" """""" Customer E Address 1 City/St/Zip """""" """""" """""" KE Address 2 E Address 2 E Go To 13 E User Code E User Code Easy Entry Lookup Code Lookup Code Sales Order Number ITEM ENTRY 9"B YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfH YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX Item# Order Item Lookup $ Sell Price Price E Document# Ship Weight Customer Ship Via Decl Value > $100 Ground Trac Res. Delivery C.O.D. Tags UPS Sig Required: UPS Sat Delivery: # of HazMat Pkgs: Carton Type Print Invoice Chk Credit Reports Data Entry Item# Order Item Lookup $ Sell Price Price E Document# Ship Weight Customer Ship Via Decl Value > $100 Ground Trac Res. Delivery C.O.D. Tags UPS Sig Required: UPS Sat Delivery: # of HazMat Pkgs: Carton Type Custom Note Custom Note Shipping COST: Shipping COST: E Extension E Extension E Record @@ E UPS Blue: E UPS Blue: UPS Red: UPS Red: E UPS Grnd: E UPS Grnd: 1st-Priority 1st-Priority: 4th-Parcel 4th-Parcel: 3 Day Sel: 3 Day Sel: E Subtotal: E Discount: E Discount: E Subtotal: Local Tax: Local Tax: State Tax: State Tax: E Shipping: E Shipping: Xtra Chrg: E Xtra Amt: Xtra Chrg: E Xtra Amt: E Go To 13 Discount Discount Sales Order Number InvoiceB ORDER DATE E SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA WEIGHT ORDER AMOUNT P.O. Number Number: Date: Thank You! ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE Sold To: Ship To: Sales Tax: Bal Due: Payment(s): E Subtotal: iEHNOTE: a at the end of the description indicates a BACK ORDERED item. SHIPPED E Cust.FAX: Reports Data Entry 9 Data Entry 13 Item Entry 9 Item Entry 13 Packing/InvoiceB YesfX ORDER DATE E SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA WEIGHT ORDER/SHIPPED AMOUNT P.O. Number ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE P A C K I N G L I S T Order Date Invoice Number Date Shipped Shipped Via Order ITEM # PRODUCT Number: Date: Sold To: Ship To: From: Bal Due: Payment(s): E Subtotal: P.O. Number: Thank You! E Sales Tax AHNOTE: a at the end of the description indicates a BACK ORDERED item. Shipped PKG ID # Reports Data Entry 9 Data Entry 13 Item Entry 9 Item Entry 13 Accounts ReceivableB YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX Accts. Rec. for Lookup Total Sale: Total Paid: Balance Due: Total Receivables: Discounts: Late Fees: Total Discounts: Page ## As of // Reports Data Entry 9 Data Entry 13 Aging ReportB Lookup Total Amount Outstanding: Page ## E Invoice # Date Due Amount Payments Bal Due Overdue Days E Late Fees Aging Report for As of // Total $: Total Paid: Balance Due: Total Disc: % Of Total Reports Data Entry 9 Data Entry 13 Discount Customer HistoryB Lookup Total $: Total Paid: Balance Due: Total Outstanding: Total Disc: Total (Before Discounts): Customer History for Page ## As of // % Of Total Reports Data Entry 9 Data Entry 13 Amount Payments Bal Due Overdue Days E Late Fees ;E Discounts Return Total: Total Billings: Gross Profit: Credits: Credit Reduct: Credits Credit Red: Return Total: A StatementB YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX E SHIP DATE INV # INVOICE AMT AMT PAID AMOUNT DUE BALANCE DUE: Current Charges: 31-60 Days 61-90 Days 91 - 180 TOTAL DUE: Amount Overdue: Please remit payment to: Date: E STATEMENT Page ## LATE DUE DATE E < 31 Days LATE FEE OUTSTANDING BALANCE P.O. # E Payments: Credits: Credit Reductions: Reports Data Entry 9 Data Entry 13 Order Date(s) Order Date(s) FINAL NoticeB YesfX YesfX Please remit payment to: Notice Date: Page ## FINAL NOTICE E(According to our records, your account # E,is currently overdue. Below is a listing of outstanding invoices, amounts due, amounts paid (if any), and the date the payment was received. In order for us to continue to offer continued service, it is important to receive your payment within 5 calendarB days. If we do not receive your payment, your good credit standing will be in jeapoardy, and we may be forced to cancel your credit account, and insist on C.O.D. payment for future work. If your payment has been sent, please disregard this notice. Thank you for your cooperation and attention to this matter. Bal Due E Ship Date Invoice Amt E Pmt Total Late Fee Due Invoice No E Pmt Dates Pmt Meth Pmt #s Pmt Amts TOTAL DUE: BALANCE DUE: P.O. # Reports Data Entry 9 Data Entry 13 Due Date YesfT Helvetica UPS Pickup RecordB YesfX YesfX United Parcel Service PICKUP RECORD PICKUP RECORD NO. CHECK ENTER EACH PACKAGE ON A SEPARATE LINE. IF RECORD IS VOIDED, PLEASE GIVE TO DRIVER. INCREASE FRACTIONS OF A POUND TO THE NEXT FULL POUND. REFERENCE# STREET STATE ZIP CODE TYPE SERVICE GROUND STATE OUT OF STATE A(DECLARED VALUE** IF IN EXCESS OF $100.00 COD*** AMOUNT (AOD) FOR UPS OFFICE USE ONLY OS (Oversize) applied if less than 25 lbs. and more than 84 inches in length and girth combined. Unless a greater value is declared in writing on this receipt, the shipper hereby declares and agrees that the reB leased value of each package or article not enclosed in a package covered by this receipt is $100, which is a reasonable value under the circumstances surrounding the transportation. The rules relating to liabi lity established by the Warsaw Convention and any amendments thereto shall apply to the international carriage of any shipment hereunder insofar as the same is governed thereby. The entry of a C.O.D. amount is D not a declaration of value. In addition, the maximum value for an air service package is $25,000 and the maximum carrier liability is $25,000. Claims not made to carrier within 9 months of the scheduled deliver EKy are waived. All checks in payment of C.O.D.'s accepted at shipper's risk. A NO. CALLS A NO. PKGS. PICKUP TIME REC'D BY UPS Shipper No CHARGES Reports Data Entry 9 Data Entry 13 VE(Enter Today Pickup Number & Check Code Page ## REPORTSB Reports Data Entry 9 Data Entry 13 This space left open for user View Customer Statistics View Customer Statistics Export For DataTranzlator Export For DataTranzlator E Print Accounts Receivable Report E Print Accounts Receivable Report Print Aging Report Print Aging Report E!Print Aging Report > 15 Days Late E!Print Aging Report > 15 Days Late WE Print Expected Shipping Schedule E Print Expected Shipping Schedule E"Print Unprinted Packing Invoice(s) E"Print Unprinted Packing Invoice(s) E!Print Packing Invoice(s) (w/Find) E!Print Packing Invoice(s) (w/Find) Print Quote(s) Print Quote(s) Print Late Notice(s) Print Late Notice(s) Print Statement(s) Print Statement(s) Print FINAL Notice(s) Print FINAL Notice(s) Print Customer History Print Customer History Print Customer Statistics Print Customer Statistics Print Sales By Your Co Name Print Sales By Your Co Name E!Print Sales By Employee - Overall E!Print Sales By Employee - Overall Print Sales By Employee & Comp. Print Sales By Employee & Comp. E!Print Sales By Customer - Overall E!Print Sales By Customer - Overall Print Sales By Customer & Comp. Print Sales By Customer & Comp. E&Print Today s UPS Pickup Record (3prt) E&Print Today s UPS Pickup Record (3prt) Print Invoice(s) Print Invoice(s) E$see Scripts menu for more selections Print Aging Schedule Print Aging Schedule E Print Accounts Receivable Report Print Return(s) Print Return(s) E#Print Ship Labels (6 Up) Avery 5164 E#Print Ship Labels (6 Up) Avery 5164 WELCOMEB E&Click one of these buttons to continue 1992-1994 working solutionz software 2191 Rosecrans St. Simi Valley, CA 93065 (805) 522-2170 BIZ Basics works exclusively with FileMaker Pro. FileMaker Pro is a Registered trademark of Claris CorporatioB 2.1v1 Late NoticeB YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX Please remit payment to: Date: N O T I C E Page ## LATE NOTICE EBAccording to our records, your account # is currrently overdue by Please send payment immediately! If you have already sent your payment, please disregard this notice. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. E SHIP DATE INV # INVOICE AMT AMT PAID AMOUNT DUE Current Charges: TOTAL DUE: Amount Overdue: LATE DUE DATE LATE FEE P.O. # E Payments: Credits: Credit Reductions: Reports Data Entry 9 Data Entry 13 Order Date(s) Order Date(s) 31-60 Days 61-90 Days 91 - 180 E < 31 Days OUTSTANDING BALANCE Cust. FAX #: 181-365 > 365 Ship Labels (6) Avery # 5164B YesfX From: PKG ID # Reports Data Entry 9 Data Entry 13 DATA ENTRY 13"B Bal Due Overdue Due Date E Pmt Total Late Fee Due Bal Due Overdue Due Date E Pmt Total Late Fee Due Expected Ship Date Expected Ship Date Data Entry BIZ Basics Pro Version 2.1v1 Sold By Sold By from Your Company # from Your Company # Status Status Phone Phone FAX # FAX # P.O. Number Invoice Date Order Date Date Shipped P.O. Number Invoice Date Order Date Date Shipped Early Pay Date Early Pay Date E Record @@ First/Last Customer E Address 1 First/Last """""" """""" Customer E Address 1 E Address 2 E Address 2 City/St/Zip City/St/Zip """""" """""" """""" Lookup Code Lookup Code Reg Term Days Reg Term Days Reg Discount Reg Discount E Disc Days E Disc Days Early Pmt Disc Early Pmt Disc Add Customer To CustVend.FM Add Customer To CustVend.FM E Pmt Dates Pmt Meth Pmt #s E Pmt Dates Pmt Meth Pmt #s Pmt Amts Pmt Amts Customer Contact Title Customer Contact Title Referred By Referred By Sales Order # Sales Order # Dates & Terms Sold To Reports UPS Pickup Print Late Nts E Inventory E Print A/R Proposal Item Entry ITEM ENTRY 13"B YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfH E Record @@ Item# Item# Order Item Order Item Lookup Price Lookup Price Price Price E Extension E Extension Sell Price Sell Price Ship Via Ship Via E Subtotal: E Discount: E Discount: E Subtotal: Local Tax: Local Tax: State Tax: State Tax: E Shipping: E Shipping: Xtra Chrg: E Xtra Amt: Xtra Chrg: E Xtra Amt: Charge For Backorders Charge For Backorders Carton Type Carton Type Ground Trac Ground Trac C.O.D. Tags C.O.D. Tags Decl Value > $100 Decl Value > $100 UPS Sig Required UPS Sig Required UPS Sat Delivery UPS Sat Delivery E State Tax E State Tax E Local Tax E Local Tax UPS Zone E UPS Zone for Customer for Customer Discount Discount Sales Order # Sales Order # 4th-Parcel 4th-Parcel: 3rd Class: 3rd Class: 1st-Priority 1st-Priority: Express: Express: E UPS Grnd: E UPS Grnd: 3 Day Sel: 3 Day Sel: E UPS Blue: E UPS Blue: UPS Red: UPS Red: Custom Custom # of HazMat Pkgs: # of HazMat Pkgs: Tracking Number Tracking Number Shipping COST: Shipping COST: Ship Weight Ship Weight Res. Delivery Res. Delivery Reports Print Invoice Chk Credit Print Pack/Invoice Item Entry Data Entry Color Color Customer StatisticsB YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX Customer Statistics Page ## As of // Lookup TOTAL Billed Total Paid: Balance Due: Discounts: Credit Red: LATE Inv Credit Limit Customer Contact 6E # 0f Invs % of Total Reports Data Entry 9 Data Entry 13 TOTALS Items Sold State Sales Tax Local Sales Tax Shipping Charges Xtra Amounts Late Payments Credit Reductions Total Sales Cost of Items Sold Shipping Cost Regular Discounts Early Pay Discounts Sales Tax Owed Returns Gross Profit INVENTORY UPDATEB YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX Update INVOICES Reports Data Entry 9 Data Entry 13 A Invoices need inventory updates. Invoices Valued at Returns Valued at Returns need inventory updates. Update RETURNS Inventory Update EZTo Update your inventory, scroll down and click the button called Update Invoices below. Item Entry 9 Item Entry 13 PAYMENT ENTRY 9"B Cust # Phone Status Doc # Your Co. Cust # Customer Phone Status Doc # Your Co. Customer Proposal Item Entry Data Entry Payments Bal Due E Pmt Total Late Fee Due Bal Due E Pmt Total Late Fee Due Total Sale: Total Sale: Sold By Sold By E Record @@ Your Co# Your Co# E Go To 13 E Pmt Dates Pmt Meth Pmt #s E Pmt Dates Pmt Meth Pmt #s Pmt Amts Pmt Amts Due Date Due Date Early Pay Date Early Pay Date E Term Days E Term Days Overdue Overdue Reg Term Days Reg Term Days Early Pmt Discount Early Pmt Discount Regular Discount Regular Discount Discount Days Discount Days Sales Order Number PROPOSAL 9"B Reports Proposal Data Entry 9 Data Entry 13 Customer Ref # E Our Ref # Customer Ref # E Our Ref # Customer Customer Proposal Proposal E Record @@ Print E Go To 13 PROPOSAL 13"B Reports Proposal Data Entry Cust Ref # E Our Ref # Cust Ref # Customer Customer Proposal Proposal E Record @@ Print Expected Shipping ScheduleB YesfH Expected Shipping Schedule As of // Carton Type: Ship Weight: E Ship Via: Total Sale: Shipping COST: Page ## % of Shipping Total: Your Company Number: Reports Data Entry 9 Data Entry 13 Lookup Code Order #: Order Date: Enter the desired date range Proposal PrintoutB Page ## Proposal # Ref # E Date: // P R O P O S A L Reports Data Entry 9 Data Entry 13 Sales By Customer (All)B YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX As of // at :: Overall Sales Lookup TOTAL Billed Total Paid: Balance Due: Discounts: Credit Red: LATE Inv Credit Limit Credit Limit Customer Contact E # 0f Invs % of Total E-Overall Sales For All Companies (Continued) Invoices dated Sales Totals Document Type Page ## Order Date(s) Order Date(s) Reports Data Entry 9 Data Entry 13 Outstanding Balance: Items Sold State Sales Tax Local Sales Tax Shipping Charges Xtra Amounts Late Payments Credit Reductions Total Sales Cost of Items Sold Shipping Cost Regular Discounts Early Pay Discounts Sales Tax Owed Returns Gross Profit Sales By Customer (By Company)B YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX Sales By Customer Lookup TOTAL Billed Total Paid: Balance Due: Discounts: Credit Red: LATE Inv Credit Limit Customer Contact E # 0f Invs % of Total As of // at :: Sales (Continued) Invoices dated Sales Totals for Document Type Page ## Order Date(s) Order Date(s) Reports Data Entry 9 Data Entry 13 Outstanding Balance: Items Sold State Sales Tax Local Sales Tax Shipping Charges Xtra Amounts Late Payments Credit Reductions Total Sales Cost of Items Sold Shipping Cost Regular Discounts Early Pay Discounts Sales Tax Owed Returns Gross Profit Sales By Employee (All)B YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX As of // at :: Overall Emp. Sales Emp # TOTAL Billed Total Paid: Outstanding: Discounts: Credit Red: LATE Inv Comm. % Work Phone Employee (or Agent) Employee Type E # 0f Invs % of Total Invoices dated Sales Totals Document Type Page ## A"Commission Earned (Based on Sales) A/Total Commission Due (Based on Monies Received) A)Commission Due (Based on Monies Received) A)Total Commissions Earned (Based on Sales) Order Date(s) Order Date(s) Reports Data Entry 9 Data Entry 13 Items Sold State Sales Tax Local Sales Tax Shipping Charges Xtra Amounts Late Payments Credit Reductions Total Sales Cost of Items Sold Shipping Cost Regular Discounts Early Pay Discounts Sales Tax Owed Returns Gross Profit Sales By Employee (By Company)B YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX Sales By Employee As of // at :: Sales (Continued) Invoices dated Sales Totals for Document Type Page ## Emp # TOTAL Billed Total Paid: Outstanding: Discounts: Credit Red: LATE Inv Comm. % Work Phone Employee (or Agent) Employee Type E # 0f Invs % of Total A"Commission Earned (Based on Sales) A)Commission Due (Based on Monies Received) Order Date(s) Order Date(s) A/Total Commission Due (Based on Monies Received) A)Total Commissions Earned (Based on Sales) Reports Data Entry 9 Data Entry 13 Items Sold State Sales Tax Local Sales Tax Shipping Charges Xtra Amounts Late Payments Credit Reductions Total Sales Cost of Items Sold Shipping Cost Regular Discounts Early Pay Discounts Sales Tax Owed Returns Gross Profit Sales By CompanyB YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX Sales By Company As of // at :: Sales (Continued) Invoices dated Sales Totals for Document Type Page ## Order Date(s) Order Date(s) Sales Totals Reports Data Entry 9 Data Entry 13 E6TOTAL OVERALL SALES FOR ALL YOUR COMPANIES (or Depts.) Outstanding Balance: Outstanding Balance: Outstanding Balance: Items Sold State Sales Tax Local Sales Tax Shipping Charges Xtra Amounts Late Payments Credit Reductions Total Sales Cost of Items Sold Shipping Cost Regular Discounts Early Pay Discounts Sales Tax Owed Returns Gross Profit Items Sold State Sales Tax Local Sales Tax Shipping Charges Xtra Amounts Late Payments Credit Reductions Total Sales Cost of Items Sold Shipping Cost Regular Discounts Early Pay Discounts Sales Tax Owed Returns Gross Profit Items Sold State Sales Tax Local Sales Tax Shipping Charges Xtra Amounts Late Payments Credit Reductions Total Sales Cost of Items Sold Shipping Cost Regular Discounts Early Pay Discounts Sales Tax Owed Returns Gross Profit Long InvoiceB ORDER DATE E SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA WEIGHT ORDER AMOUNT P.O. Number Number: Date: Thank You! ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE Sold To: Ship To: EHNOTE: a at the end of the description indicates a BACK ORDERED item. SHIPPED Sales Tax: Bal Due: Payment(s): E Subtotal: E Cust.FAX: Reports Data Entry 9 Data Entry 13 Item Entry 9 Item Entry 13 LONG ITEM ENTRY 9"B YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfH YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX Item# Order Item Lookup $ Sell Price Price E Document# Ship Weight Customer Ship Via Decl Value > $100 Ground Trac Res. Delivery C.O.D. Tags UPS Sig Required: UPS Sat Delivery: # of HazMat Pkgs: Carton Type Item# Order Item Lookup $ Sell Price Price E Document# Ship Weight Customer Ship Via Decl Value > $100 Ground Trac Res. Delivery C.O.D. Tags UPS Sig Required: UPS Sat Delivery: # of HazMat Pkgs: Carton Type Custom Note Custom Note Shipping COST: Shipping COST: E Extension E Extension E Record @@ E UPS Blue: E UPS Blue: UPS Red: UPS Red: E UPS Grnd: E UPS Grnd: 1st-Priority 1st-Priority: 4th-Parcel 4th-Parcel: 3 Day Sel: 3 Day Sel: E Subtotal: >E Discount: E Discount: E Subtotal: Local Tax: Local Tax: State Tax: State Tax: E Shipping: E Shipping: Xtra Chrg: E Xtra Amt: Xtra Chrg: E Xtra Amt: Chk Credit Reports Data Entry Easy Entry E Go To 13 E State Tax E State Tax E Local Tax E Local Tax Charge For Backordered Items Charge For Backordered Items Discount Discount Sales Order Number LONG ITEM ENTRY 13"B YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfH YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX E Document# Customer Print Long Invoice Proposal Reports Data Entry E Document# Customer Item# Order Item Lookup Price Sell Price Price Item# Order Item Lookup Price Sell Price Price E Extension E Extension E Record @@ Carton Type Carton Type Ship Weight Ship Weight Ship Via Ship Via E Auto-Note E Auto-Note Custom Note Custom Note Decl Value > $100 Ground Trac Res. Delivery C.O.D. Tags Decl Value > $100 Ground Trac Res. Delivery C.O.D. Tags 1st-Priority 1st-Priority: 4th-Parcel 4th-Parcel: Express: Express: UPS Sig Required: UPS Sat Delivery: # of HazMat Pkgs: UPS Sig Required: UPS Sat Delivery: # of HazMat Pkgs: Shipping COST: Shipping COST: E UPS Grnd: E UPS Grnd: 3 Day Sel: 3 Day Sel: E UPS Blue: E UPS Blue: UPS Red: UPS Red: Shipper Shipper E Subtotal: E Discount: E Discount: E Subtotal: Local Tax: Local Tax: State Tax: State Tax: E Shipping: E Shipping: Xtra Chrg: E Xtra Amt: Xtra Chrg: E Xtra Amt: Easy Entry E State Tax E State Tax E Local Tax E Local Tax Charge For Backordered Items Charge For Backordered Items Discount Discount Sales Order Number UPS Pickup FindB UPS Pickup Find Date(s) Shipped Date(s) Shipped Au1. Enter the Date(s) Shipped (i.e. 4/1/93) or the date range (i.e. 4/1/93...6/1/93) that you would like a report on """""" """""" Reports Data Entry 9 Data Entry 13 Your Company Number Your Company Number 2. This report defaults to work with your #1 Company Number and address information. If you use a different UPS number for each of Your multiple companies (depts.), rerun this UPS script for each company. ChB>oose the corresponding number button above and click Continue. """""" """""" UPS Shipping ManifestB UPS Shipping Manifest UPS SHIPPER NO UPS Pickup Record Number: Date Shipped: Page ## Reports Data Entry 9 Data Entry 13 Enter Today Pickup Number PIECES CHARGES TOTAL WEIGHT TOTAL Declared Value Units: each = NUMBER OF COD COD CHARGES: TOTAL UPS REVENUE: NUMBER OF GROUNDTRAC PACKAGES: PIECES CHARGES TOTAL WEIGHT TOTAL Declared Value Units: each = NUMBER OF GROUNDTRAC PACKAGES: NUMBER OF COD COD CHARGES: TOTAL UPS REVENUE: Grand Total Summary TRACKING/ CONSIGNEE NAME/ADDRESS STATE CHARGES E GRND UPS Shipping Manifest SummaryB UPS Shipping Manifest Summary UPS Pickup Record Number: Date Shipped: Type Service: PIECES WEIGHT CHARGES TOTAL UPS SHIPPER NO Reports Data Entry 9 Data Entry 13 Enter Today Pickup Number Page ## TOTAL Declared Value Units: each = NUMBER OF COD COD CHARGES: TOTAL UPS REVENUE: NUMBER OF GROUNDTRAC PACKAGES: EZ DATA ENTRYB Doc # E Sale Type Doc # E Sale Type Proposal Print A/R Rep. Print Invoice Payments Reports Easy Entry BIZ Basics Pro Ver 2.1v1 E Note Code Custom Note E Note Code Custom Note Expected Ship Date Expected Ship Date P.O. Number P.O. Number Invoice Date Invoice Date Date Shipped Date Shipped Your Co# Your Co# E Record @@ First/Last First/Last """""" """""" Phone Phone Cust # Cust # E1Type your Sales Order Number here and press Item Entry Today: This space left open for user E Pmt Dates Pmt Meth Pmt #s E Pmt Dates Pmt Meth Pmt #s Pmt Amts Pmt Amts E1Type your Sales Order Number here and press Aging ScheduleB Total Invoiced: Page ## Invoice Num Order Date Amount E < 31 Days 31 - 60 61 - 90 91 - 180 Aging Schedule for As of // Customer 181-365 TOTALS: > 1 Year Reports Data Entry 9 Data Entry 13 Total Outstanding: Lookup Date Find - No NameB E Date Find Order Date(s) Order Date(s) Enter the Order Date(s) (i.e. 4/1/93) or the date range (i.e. 4/1/93...6/1/93) that you would like a report on or just press Continue to view a report for ALL dates. Enter the Order Date(s) (i.e. 4/1/93) or the date range (i.e. 4/1/93...6/1/93) that you would like a report on or just press Continue to view a report for ALL dates. Reports Data Entry 9 Data Entry 13 $100 Decl Value > $100 UPS Sig Required UPS Sig Required UPS Sat Delivery UPS Sat Delivery E State Tax E State Tax E Local Tax ME Local Tax UPS Zone E UPS Zone for Customer for Customer Discount Discount Sales Order # Sales Order # 4th-Parcel 4th-Parcel: 3rd Class: 3rd Class: 1st-Priority 1st-Priority: Express: Express: E UPS Grnd: E UPS Grnd: 3 Day Sel: 3 Day Sel: E UPS Blue: E UPS Blue: UPS Red: UPS Red: Custom Custom # of HazMat Pkgs: # of HazMat Pkgs: Tracking Number Tracking Number Shipping COST: Shipping COST: Ship Weight Ship Weight Res. Delivery Res. Delivery Reports Print Invoice Chk Credit Print Pack/Invoice Item Entry Data Entry Color Color Intentionally Left Blank Date Find - With NameB E Date Find Order Date(s) Order Date(s) Enter the Order Date(s) (i.e. 4/1/93) or the date range (i.e. 4/1/93...6/1/93) that you would like a report on or just press Continue to view a report for ALL dates. Enter the Order Date(s) (i.e. 4/1/93) or the date range (i.e. 4/1/93...6/1/93) that you would like a report on or just press Continue to view a report for ALL dates. Reports Data Entry 9 Data Entry 13 Customer Customer 92159B CV104D ChanceF Level Technologies, Inc.H 111-555-7327I 92758N 7/6/93O 12/5/93P 12/5/93Q 12/5/93R VisaS 1234-5678-9012-3456T 1045.29U 1045.29X 01/04/94] OPEN_ T-100 T-099 XYZ Company T-shirt - L XYZ Company T-shirt - M Tough Pak Solar Widgeta Retailc 710.125 213.0375 68.381 23.75i 37.28 11.18 1111.28n 747.5 224.25 71.98 53.44u 138.9 85.9736 42.9868} UPS Ground 43.375 lbs. 1068.73 Anytown Anytown, MA ABC Direct Marketing OSABC Direct Marketing 4384 Oak Street, Suite 8 Anytown, MA 01019-9999 (555) 555-5656 PYABC Direct Marketing 4384 Oak Street, Suite 8 Anytown, MA 01019-9999 (555) 555-5656 S=Level Technologies, Inc. 3345 Coffee Road AGAWAM, MA 01001 TtLevel Technologies West Attn: Bill Jones Receiving Department 4134 Market Street Suite 136 LOS ANGELES, CA 90024 MA 123-652 MA 123-652 68.00 51.75 4,44,Com 22,44,R 12,44,B Med Box 1 5.6254 007371006 Custom Note WBill, Happy Birthday, and Congratulations on your new promotion. Keep up the good work! 44,0,F,4 eLevel Technologies West Receiving Department 4134 Market Street Suite 136 Los Angeles 90024 5% DISCOUNT: Rush: FLast Payment: Visa #1234-5678-9012-3456 for $1045.29 - posted 12/05/93 -$53.44 3345 Coffee Road AGAWAM 01001 43 lbs 5.5 oz YABC Direct Marketing 4384 Oak Street, Suite 8 Anytown, MA 01019-9999 (555) 555-5656 WBill, Happy Birthday, and Congratulations on your new promotion. Keep up the good work! Dear Bob, Thank you for your order. We appreciate your business and we hope you will help spread the word by telling others about us. Dear Bob, Thank you for your order. We have your order ready for shipment. Please send your payment as soon as possible for the amount indicated here under Balance Due and we will rush your order to you. Thank you. Dear Bob, Thank you for your order. Enjoy your FREE Gift which we have included in with your shipment. We hope you ll tell others about us. Hope to hear from you again soon. Dear Bob, Thank you for your order and for your support of ABC Direct Marketing. We are shipping your order so that you will receive it in time, eventhough there is a balance due. PLEASE SEND PAYMENT FOR THE AMBZOUNT DUE AT YOUR EARLIEST CONVENIENCE so that we may reconcile our accounting. Thank you. 22,Ltr,R E1004 "Julie R. Smith, Customer Serv. Mgr 25.15 44,0,Z,4 43,5,X,0 68.65 10.50 12,Ltr,B 44,0,FX,0 0,0,0,0 693.499 Bob Chance SR AR 9999-999 99 Shipping 6666666666 7777777777 32.49 30.3776 UPS Zone 4 UPS SHIPPER NO 10/6/93 Updated 14.95 14.95 35.99 Taxable Taxable Taxable Taxable Invoice BYour balance is due and payable on or before: Tuesday, Jan 4, ' 94 Thank you for the opportunity to bid on your project. If you have any questions, or require any further information, please do not hesitate to call. Printed Invoice Amt 1163.4 14.95 14.95 35.99 We have a great car for your new project! The new Solstice Solar car was developed originally by the Cal State University system in San Luis Obispo. A great deal of creativity and technology have gone into thi s extrordinary economical vehicle. We would like to have the vehicle flown to your facility where your engineers can get a first hand look at what it can do. We are offering your company a one month exclusive oC n buying the rights to our patents. In order to fly the vehicle to you it will require that we send four people with the car (two engineers, one corporate executive and one security assistant. If you would li ke to take advantage of this opportunity we would appreciate you sending a payment to cover the expenses of the vehicle s freight outlined in the attached sample Shipper document. Our company will bear the costE s of flying our people along with the vehicle. Please let us know in writing within 3 weeks of this date so that we can make the necessary preparations for next month s trip. We look forward to hearing from youF#. Dr. James W. Solstice Director 12/5/93 PROP-34982 New Solar Car Sunday, Dec 5, '93 2% 10/ 30 days net 4.347 237.5 71.25 8.694 15.95 472.62 141.79 59.69 680.99 12/15/93 21.37 Add'l discount applies 1088.59 Invoice Total You can save an extra 2% on this Invoice if we receive your payment on or before Wed, Dec 15th. Your discounted total would be: $1088.59 1068.73 53.44 333.394 1163.4 1088.59 11/19/93 Exported Julie R. Smith Full Time, Exempt 111-555-8721 Shipped 34,44,3D 35.82 12.69 12.69 ABC:lt ABC:st ABC:inc 44 Lbs T029 0510 537 Common Carrier 64.67 52.23 12.44 21.37 74.81 12/96 52.23 12.44 Early Pay Disc -$21.37 .0125 .0525 111-555-4646 HABC Direct Marketing 4384 Oak Street, Suite 8 Anytown, MA 01019-9999 ;Level Technologies, Inc. 3345 Coffee Road AGAWAM, MA 01001 =Level Technologies, Inc. 3345 Coffee Road AGAWAM, MA 01001 tLevel Technologies West Attn: Bill Jones Receiving Department 4134 Market Street Suite 136 LOS ANGELES, CA 90024 Walk-In President 1088.59 1045.29 74.81 21.37 1163.4 64.67 S1001 White White White Metallic Large Medium Medium Medium INV01 INV02 INV04 INV05 INV06 DOWNARROW LEFTARROW LEFTARROW INVOICESCLOSE 92160B CV105D DavidE MeadorF May Department StoresH 111-555-6952I 54692N 6/15/92O 5/1/93P 5/7/93Q 5/1/93 1/8/93 06/06/93] OPEN_ T-099 T-100 T-101 XYZ Company T-shirt - M XYZ Company T-shirt - L XYZ Company T-shirt - XLa Wholesalec 237.5 332.5i 237.5 332.5t 222.24 231.5 324.1 9.26} UPS Ground D 49.5 lbs. DUDLEY HILL DUDLEY HILL, MA XYZ Company O@XYZ Company P.O. Box 12546 Anytown, MA 01019-9999 (555) 555-1212 P_XYZ Company Plaza Towers Building, 4565 18th Street Anytown, MA 01019-9999 (555) 555-1212 SLMay Department Stores Valley Plaza 4536 Main Street AGAWAM, MA 01001-9999 TgMay Department Stores Attn: Distribution Warehouse 7013 Baker Avenue Depot 124 DUDLEY HILL, MA 01570 MA 123-555 MA 123-555 75.50 57.75 3,50,Com 22,50,R 12,50,B Large Box 2 13.246 007371007 29.25 52.50 20.05 Thank U For Order Dear David, Thank you for your order. We appreciate your business and we hope you will help spread the word by telling others about us. 50,0,F,3 CMay Department Stores Valley Plaza, 4536 Main Street AGAWAM 01570 14.76 2Last Payment: ck #125 for $30.00 - posted 01/08/93 Valley Plaza AGAWAM 01001-9999 49 lbs 7.1 oz FXYZ Company P.O. Box 12546 Anytown, MA 01019-9999 (555) 555-1212 dsbdfgfs Dear David, Thank you for your order. We appreciate your business and we hope you will help spread the word by telling others about us. Dear David, Thank you for your order. We have your order ready for shipment. Please send your payment as soon as possible for the amount indicated here under Balance Due and we will rush your order to you. Thank you. Dear David, Thank you for your order. Enjoy your FREE Gift which we have included in with your shipment. We hope you ll tell others about us. Hope to hear from you again soon. Dear David, Thank you for your order and for your support of XYZ Company. We are shipping your order so that you will receive it in time, eventhough there is a balance due. PLEASE SEND PAYMENT FOR THE AMOUNT DUBSE AT YOUR EARLIEST CONVENIENCE so that we may reconcile our accounting. Thank you. XRemit payment to: XYZ Company P.O. Box 12546 Anytown, MA 01019-9999 (555) 555-1212 22,Ltr,R E1003 Dennis E. Browne, Sales Manager 22.25 50,0,Z,3 49,7,X,0 68.65 10.50 12,Ltr,B 50,0,FX,0 $3250 0,0,0,0 791.086 David Meador SR-4489-51138-63 8888888888 9999999999 2.651 21.15 .7953 UPS Zone 3 UPS SHIPPER NO 3/29/93 Updated Taxable Taxable Taxable Invoice AYour balance is due and payable on or before: Sunday, Jun 6, ' 93 Thank you for the opportunity to bid on your project. If you have any questions, or require any further information, please do not hesitate to call. Printed Invoice Amt Sales Tax is not added to a Wholesale transaction. 45,000 5/7/93 Friday, May 7, '93 30 Days Net 118.75 166.25 118.75 166.25 378.95 05/07/93 NO add'l discount - $ SHORT Invoice Total 11/19/93 4536 Main Street Exported Dennis E. Browne Full Time, Exempt 111-555-7327 Shipped 33,50,3D 39.45 XYZ:lt XYZ:st XYZ:inc 50 Lbs G043 0570 425 Common Carrier .0125 .0625 111-555-9658 NXYZ Company Plaza Towers Building, 4565 18th Street Anytown, MA 01019-9999 JMay Department Stores Valley Plaza 4536 Main Street AGAWAM, MA 01001-9999 LMay Department Stores Valley Plaza 4536 Main Street AGAWAM, MA 01001-9999 gMay Department Stores Attn: Distribution Warehouse 7013 Baker Avenue Depot 124 DUDLEY HILL, MA 01570 Friend Buyer 20.05 Resale Number: SR-4489-51138-63 S1003 White White Medium Large X-Large 18.05 92161B CV104D ChanceF Level Technologies, Inc.H 111-555-7327I 485755N 5/1/93O 9/30/93P 9/30/93Q 9/30/93 7/1/92 1234-5678-9012-3456 10.00X 10/30/93] CLOSED_ T-100 XYZ Company T-shirt - L Tough Paka Retailc 224.25 35.99i 14.02 279.76o 224.25 35.99t 138.9 42.9868 42.9868} UPS Ground 12.25 lbs. 260.24 AGAWAM AGAWAM, MA ABC Direct Marketing OSABC Direct Marketing 4384 Oak Street, Suite 8 Anytown, MA 01019-9999 (555) 555-5656 PYABC Direct Marketing 4384 Oak Street, Suite 8 Anytown, MA 01019-9999 (555) 555-5656 S=Level Technologies, Inc. 3345 Coffee Road AGAWAM, MA 01001 T]Level Technologies, Inc. Attn: Bill Jones MIS Department 3345 Coffee Road AGAWAM, MA 01001 MA 123-652 MA 123-652 32.25 18.00 50.00 3,13,Com 22,13,R 12,13,B Large Box 2 13.246 007371008 55.25 Waiting on Paymt Dear Bob, Thank you for your order. We have your order ready for shipment. Please send your payment as soon as possible for the amount indicated here under Balance Due and we will rush your order to you. Thank you. 13,0,F,3 8Level Technologies, Inc. 3345 Coffee Road AGAWAM 01001 22.25 22.25 3345 Coffee Road AGAWAM 01001 12 lbs 3.1 oz YABC Direct Marketing 4384 Oak Street, Suite 8 Anytown, MA 01019-9999 (555) 555-5656 Dear Bob, Thank you for your order. We appreciate your business and we hope you will help spread the word by telling others about us. Dear Bob, Thank you for your order. We have your order ready for shipment. Please send your payment as soon as possible for the amount indicated here under Balance Due and we will rush your order to you. Thank you. Dear Bob, Thank you for your order. Enjoy your FREE Gift which we have included in with your shipment. We hope you ll tell others about us. Hope to hear from you again soon. Dear Bob, Thank you for your order and for your support of ABC Direct Marketing. We are shipping your order so that you will receive it in time, eventhough there is a balance due. PLEASE SEND PAYMENT FOR THE AMBZOUNT DUE AT YOUR EARLIEST CONVENIENCE so that we may reconcile our accounting. Thank you. 22,Ltr,R E1004 "Julie R. Smith, Customer Serv. Mgr 13,0,Z,3 12,3,X,0 32.70 10.50 12,Ltr,B 13,0,FX,0 0,0,0,0 195.1328 Bob Chance SR AR 9999-999 99 6666666666 7777777777 -.62464 UPS Zone 3 UPS SHIPPER NO 10/6/93 Updated 14.95 35.99 Taxable Taxable 16.27 Quote -Your balance is due and payable upon receipt. Thank you for the opportunity to bid on your project. If you have any questions, or require any further information, please do not hesitate to call. Printed # Quote Amt 14.95 35.99 16.27 9/30/93 Thursday, Sep 30, '93 2% 10/ 30 days net 4.347 71.25 4.347 31.64 10/10/93 Add'l discount applies 274.17 Quote Total 279.37 11/19/93 Exported Julie R. Smith Full Time, Exempt 111-555-8721 Shipped 33,13,3D 13.02 ABC:lt ABC:st ABC:inc 13 Lbs Common Carrier 19.13 15.94 12/96 Early Pay Disc -$5.20 .0125 .0625 111-555-4646 HABC Direct Marketing 4384 Oak Street, Suite 8 Anytown, MA 01019-9999 ;Level Technologies, Inc. 3345 Coffee Road AGAWAM, MA 01001 =Level Technologies, Inc. 3345 Coffee Road AGAWAM, MA 01001 ]Level Technologies, Inc. Attn: Bill Jones MIS Department 3345 Coffee Road AGAWAM, MA 01001 Walk-In President S1004 Black White Large Medium 92186B CV105D DavidE Meador May Department StoresH 111-555-6952I 546685N 9/28/93O 10/28/93P 11/3/93Q 10/28/93V 12/03/93] OPEN_ T-100 XYZ Company T-shirt - L Tough Pak Solar Widgeta Wholesalec 55.56 85.9736 42.9868 84.56165} UPS Ground 9 lbs. Anytown Anytown, MA XYZ Company O@XYZ Company P.O. Box 12546 Anytown, MA 01019-9999 (555) 555-1212 P_XYZ Company Plaza Towers Building, 4565 18th Street Anytown, MA 01019-9999 (555) 555-1212 SLMay Department Stores Valley Plaza 4536 Main Street AGAWAM, MA 01001-9999 TgMay Department Stores Attn: Distribution Warehouse 7013 Baker Avenue Depot 124 DUDLEY HILL, MA 01570 MA 123-555 MA 123-555 a September 27.00 13.25 43.50 3,9,Com 22,9,R 12,9,B Large Envelope 007371007 24.25 Thank U For Order Dear David, Thank you for your order. We appreciate your business and we hope you will help spread the word by telling others about us. 9,0,F,3 CMay Department Stores Valley Plaza, 4536 Main Street AGAWAM 01570 Valley Plaza AGAWAM 01001-9999 9 lbs 0 oz FXYZ Company P.O. Box 12546 Anytown, MA 01019-9999 (555) 555-1212 Dear David, Thank you for your order. We appreciate your business and we hope you will help spread the word by telling others about us. Dear David, Thank you for your order. We have your order ready for shipment. Please send your payment as soon as possible for the amount indicated here under Balance Due and we will rush your order to you. Thank you. Dear David, Thank you for your order. Enjoy your FREE Gift which we have included in with your shipment. We hope you ll tell others about us. Hope to hear from you again soon. Dear David, Thank you for your order and for your support of XYZ Company. We are shipping your order so that you will receive it in time, eventhough there is a balance due. PLEASE SEND PAYMENT FOR THE AMOUNT DUBSE AT YOUR EARLIEST CONVENIENCE so that we may reconcile our accounting. Thank you. XRemit payment to: XYZ Company P.O. Box 12546 Anytown, MA 01019-9999 (555) 555-1212 22,Ltr,R E1003 Dennis E. Browne, Sales Manager 9,0,Z,3 9,0,X,0 26.55 10.50 12,Ltr,B 9,0,FX,0 0,0,0,0 143.8336 David Meador SR-4489-51138-63 Shipping 8888888888 9999999999 2.651 -.7953 UPS Zone 3 UPS SHIPPER NO 10/6/93 Updated Taxable Taxable Taxable Invoice AYour balance is due and payable on or before: Friday, Dec 3, ' 93 Thank you for the opportunity to bid on your project. If you have any questions, or require any further information, please do not hesitate to call. Printed Invoice Amt Sales Tax is not added to a Wholesale transaction. 45,000 11/2/93 Tuesday, Nov 2, '93 30 Days Net 4.347 8.694 19.14 -28.5 -8.69 64.86 54.48 11/03/93 NO add'l discount - $ SHORT Invoice Total 56.334 11/19/93 4536 Main Street Exported Dennis E. Browne Full Time, Exempt 111-555-7327 Shipped 33,9,3D XYZ:lt XYZ:st XYZ:inc 9 Lbs Common Carrier .0125 .0625 111-555-9658 NXYZ Company Plaza Towers Building, 4565 18th Street Anytown, MA 01019-9999 JMay Department Stores Valley Plaza 4536 Main Street AGAWAM, MA 01001-9999 LMay Department Stores Valley Plaza 4536 Main Street AGAWAM, MA 01001-9999 gMay Department Stores Attn: Distribution Warehouse 7013 Baker Avenue Depot 124 DUDLEY HILL, MA 01570 Friend Buyer Resale Number: SR-4489-51138-63 S1002 White White Metallic Large Medium Medium 93118B CV103D Barbara E CusaneF Last Resort LodgingH 805-494-0987I 12345N 9/6/93O 8/15/93P 8/19/93Q 8/15/93S 9999-9999-9999-9999U 09/18/93] CLOSED_ 047` Tough Pak Solar Widgeta Retailc 35.99 72.23n 17.41o 35.99 42.9868 42.9868} UPS Ground 3 lbs. 50.99 SOUTHBRIDGE SOUTHBRIDGE, MA ABC Direct Marketing OSABC Direct Marketing 4384 Oak Street, Suite 8 Anytown, MA 01019-9999 (555) 555-5656 PYABC Direct Marketing 4384 Oak Street, Suite 8 Anytown, MA 01019-9999 (555) 555-5656 S;Last Resort Lodging 6000 New Stine SOUTHBRIDGE, MA 01550 T;Last Resort Lodging 6000 New Stine SOUTHBRIDGE, MA 01550 MA 123-652 MA 123-652 a September 17.25 27.00 3,3,Com 22,3,R 12,3,B Small Box 2 4.2315 007371060 Thank U For Order Dear Barbara , Thank you for your order. We appreciate your business and we hope you will help spread the word by telling others about us. 3,0,F,3 6Last Resort Lodging 6000 New Stine SOUTHBRIDGE 01550 6000 New Stine SOUTHBRIDGE 01550 3 lbs 0 oz YABC Direct Marketing 4384 Oak Street, Suite 8 Anytown, MA 01019-9999 (555) 555-5656 Dear Barbara , Thank you for your order. We appreciate your business and we hope you will help spread the word by telling others about us. Dear Barbara , Thank you for your order. We have your order ready for shipment. Please send your payment as soon as possible for the amount indicated here under Balance Due and we will rush your order to you. Thank you. Dear Barbara , Thank you for your order. Enjoy your FREE Gift which we have included in with your shipment. We hope you ll tell others about us. Hope to hear from you again soon. Dear Barbara , Thank you for your order and for your support of ABC Direct Marketing. We are shipping your order so that you will receive it in time, eventhough there is a balance due. PLEASE SEND PAYMENT FOR TB_HE AMOUNT DUE AT YOUR EARLIEST CONVENIENCE so that we may reconcile our accounting. Thank you. 22,Ltr,R E1004 "Julie R. Smith, Customer Serv. Mgr 3,0,Z,3 3,0,X,0 15.95 10.50 12,Ltr,B 3,0,FX,0 0,0,0,0 47.2183 Barbara Cusane SR VV 91919-9191919 Shipping 6666666666 7777777777 -.67968 UPS Zone 3 UPS SHIPPER NO 10/6/93 Updated 35.99 Taxable Taxable Estimate -Your balance is due and payable upon receipt. Thank you for the opportunity to bid on your project. If you have any questions, or require any further information, please do not hesitate to call. Printed Est Amt 35.99 8/18/93 P-1024 Wednesday, Aug 18, '93 30 Days Net 4.347 4.347 31.64 08/19/93 NO add'l discount - $ SHORT 72.23 Estimate Total 72.23 11/19/93 Exported Julie R. Smith Full Time, Exempt 111-555-8721 Shipped 33,3,3D ABC:lt ABC:st ABC:inc 3 Lbs Common Carrier .0125 .0625 111-555-1234 HABC Direct Marketing 4384 Oak Street, Suite 8 Anytown, MA 01019-9999 9Last Resort Lodging 6000 New Stine SOUTHBRIDGE, MA 01550 ;Last Resort Lodging 6000 New Stine SOUTHBRIDGE, MA 01550 ;Last Resort Lodging 6000 New Stine SOUTHBRIDGE, MA 01550 Referral...from John Gilespie Manager S1005 White Metallic Medium Medium 93119B CV107D BillE JonesF Snider DistributorsH 111-555-9658I 56432N 6/11/93O 5/21/93P 5/23/93Q 5/21/93U 06/22/93 CLOSED_ T-100 T-099` XYZ Company T-shirt - L Solar Widget Tough Pak XYZ Company T-shirt - Ma Wholesalec 20.25 28.5i 107.75o 20.25 28.5t 42.9868 27.78| 42.9868 9.26} UPS Ground 8 lbs. 107.75 LEOMINSTER LEOMINSTER, MA XYZ Company O@XYZ Company P.O. Box 12546 Anytown, MA 01019-9999 (555) 555-1212 P_XYZ Company Plaza Towers Building, 4565 18th Street Anytown, MA 01019-9999 (555) 555-1212 SLSnider Distributors 589 West California Avenue Suite 21A AGAWAM, MA 01001 TVSnider Distributors 3221 Corporate Center Drive Unit 3324 LEOMINSTER, MA 01453-1234 MA 123-555 MA 123-555 25.25 12.00 40.75 3,8,Com 22,8,R 12,8,B Large Box 1 10.236 007371007 Custom Note CHope this arrives in time for your shipment. Thanks for your order. 8,0,F,3 HSnider Distributors 589 West California Avenue, Suite 21A AGAWAM 01453-1234 589 West California Avenue AGAWAM 01001 8 lbs 0 oz FXYZ Company P.O. Box 12546 Anytown, MA 01019-9999 (555) 555-1212 CHope this arrives in time for your shipment. Thanks for your order. Dear Bill, Thank you for your order. We appreciate your business and we hope you will help spread the word by telling others about us. Dear Bill, Thank you for your order. We have your order ready for shipment. Please send your payment as soon as possible for the amount indicated here under Balance Due and we will rush your order to you. Thank you. Dear Bill, Thank you for your order. Enjoy your FREE Gift which we have included in with your shipment. We hope you ll tell others about us. Hope to hear from you again soon. Dear Bill, Thank you for your order and for your support of XYZ Company. We are shipping your order so that you will receive it in time, eventhough there is a balance due. PLEASE SEND PAYMENT FOR THE AMOUNT DUEBR AT YOUR EARLIEST CONVENIENCE so that we may reconcile our accounting. Thank you. 22,Ltr,R E1003 Dennis E. Browne, Sales Manager 8,0,Z,3 8,0,X,0 25.55 10.50 12,Ltr,B 8,0,FX,0 0,0,0,0 127.3028 Bill Jones RK-6554-859-5455 8888888888 9999999999 2.651 UPS Zone 3 UPS SHIPPER NO 10/6/93 Updated Taxable Taxable Taxable Taxable Quote -Your balance is due and payable upon receipt. Thank you for the opportunity to bid on your project. If you have any questions, or require any further information, please do not hesitate to call. Printed # Quote Amt Sales Tax is not added to a Wholesale transaction. 5/22/93 P-1025 Saturday, May 22, '93 2% 5/ 30 days net 4.347 23.75 4.347 14.25 23.75 10.68 14.25 05/28/93 NO add'l discount - $ SHORT 107.75 Quote Total 107.75 11/19/93 Suite 21A Exported Dennis E. Browne Full Time, Exempt 111-555-7327 Shipped 33,8,3D XYZ:lt XYZ:st XYZ:inc 8 Lbs Common Carrier .0125 .0625 111-555-0202 NXYZ Company Plaza Towers Building, 4565 18th Street Anytown, MA 01019-9999 JSnider Distributors 589 West California Avenue Suite 21A AGAWAM, MA 01001 LSnider Distributors 589 West California Avenue Suite 21A AGAWAM, MA 01001 VSnider Distributors 3221 Corporate Center Drive Unit 3324 LEOMINSTER, MA 01453-1234 Trade Show B President Resale Number: RK-6554-859-5455 S1006 White Metallic White Large Medium Medium Medium 93120B CV107D BillE JonesF Snider DistributorsH 111-555-9658N 1/7/93O 12/10/93P 12/10/93Q 12/10/93V 01/09/94] OPEN_ T-099` XYZ Company T-shirt - Ma Wholesalec 142.5i 142.5o 142.5t 138.9 9.26} UPS Ground 9.063 lbs. 142.5 LEOMINSTER LEOMINSTER, MA ABC Direct Marketing OSABC Direct Marketing 4384 Oak Street, Suite 8 Anytown, MA 01019-9999 (555) 555-5656 PYABC Direct Marketing 4384 Oak Street, Suite 8 Anytown, MA 01019-9999 (555) 555-5656 SLSnider Distributors 589 West California Avenue Suite 21A AGAWAM, MA 01001 TVSnider Distributors 3221 Corporate Center Drive Unit 3324 LEOMINSTER, MA 01453-1234 MA 123-652 MA 123-652 January 139.65 28.75 14.50 46.25 3,10,Com 22,10,R 12,10,B Med Box 1 5.6254 007371008 Thank U For Order Dear Bill, Thank you for your order. We appreciate your business and we hope you will help spread the word by telling others about us. 10,0,F,3 HSnider Distributors 589 West California Avenue, Suite 21A AGAWAM 01453-1234 589 West California Avenue AGAWAM 01001 9 lbs .5 oz YABC Direct Marketing 4384 Oak Street, Suite 8 Anytown, MA 01019-9999 (555) 555-5656 Dear Bill, Thank you for your order. We appreciate your business and we hope you will help spread the word by telling others about us. Dear Bill, Thank you for your order. We have your order ready for shipment. Please send your payment as soon as possible for the amount indicated here under Balance Due and we will rush your order to you. Thank you. Dear Bill, Thank you for your order. Enjoy your FREE Gift which we have included in with your shipment. We hope you ll tell others about us. Hope to hear from you again soon. Dear Bill, Thank you for your order and for your support of ABC Direct Marketing. We are shipping your order so that you will receive it in time, eventhough there is a balance due. PLEASE SEND PAYMENT FOR THE AB[MOUNT DUE AT YOUR EARLIEST CONVENIENCE so that we may reconcile our accounting. Thank you. 22,Ltr,R E1003 Dennis E. Browne, Sales Manager 10,0,Z,3 9,1,X,0 27.60 10.50 12,Ltr,B 10,0,FX,0 0,0,0,0 144.5254 Bill Jones RK-6554-859-5455 6666666666 7777777777 2.651 UPS Zone 3 UPS SHIPPER NO 10/6/93 Updated Taxable Invoice AYour balance is due and payable on or before: Sunday, Jan 9, ' 94 Thank you for the opportunity to bid on your project. If you have any questions, or require any further information, please do not hesitate to call. Printed Invoice Amt 142.5 Sales Tax is not added to a Wholesale transaction. 12/10/93 P-1026 Friday, Dec 10, '93 2% 5/ 30 days net 71.25 71.25 59.62 12/15/93 Add'l discount applies 139.65 139.65 Invoice Total You can save an extra 2% on this Invoice if we receive your payment on or before Wed, Dec 15th. Your discounted total would be: $139.65 142.5 71.25 142.5 139.65 11/19/93 Suite 21A Exported Dennis E. Browne Full Time, Exempt 111-555-7327 Shipped 33,10,3D 10.50 ABC:lt ABC:st ABC:inc 10 Lbs 139.65 T245 549 9583 Common Carrier Early Pay Disc -$2.85 .0125 .0625 111-555-0202 HABC Direct Marketing 4384 Oak Street, Suite 8 Anytown, MA 01019-9999 JSnider Distributors 589 West California Avenue Suite 21A AGAWAM, MA 01001 LSnider Distributors 589 West California Avenue Suite 21A AGAWAM, MA 01001 VSnider Distributors 3221 Corporate Center Drive Unit 3324 LEOMINSTER, MA 01453-1234 Trade Show B President 139.65 142.5 Resale Number: RK-6554-859-5455 S1007 White Medium 93122B CV107D BillE JonesF Snider DistributorsH 111-555-9658N 1/7/93O 12/1/93P 12/2/93Q 12/1/93V 01/01/94] OPEN_ T-099 T-100` Tough Pak Solar Widget XYZ Company T-shirt - M XYZ Company T-shirt - La Wholesalec 74.25 40.5i 151.25n 14.50o 74.25 40.5t 42.9868 27.78| 42.9868 9.26} 4th Class Parcel 5.688 lbs. 136.75 LEOMINSTER LEOMINSTER, MA ABC Direct Marketing OSABC Direct Marketing 4384 Oak Street, Suite 8 Anytown, MA 01019-9999 (555) 555-5656 PYABC Direct Marketing 4384 Oak Street, Suite 8 Anytown, MA 01019-9999 (555) 555-5656 SLSnider Distributors 589 West California Avenue Suite 21A AGAWAM, MA 01001 TVSnider Distributors 3221 Corporate Center Drive Unit 3324 LEOMINSTER, MA 01453-1234 MA 123-652 4th CL.- Parcel January 148.51 21.75 32.25 3,6,Com 22,6,R 12,6,B Large Box 1 10.236 007371008 Thank U For Order Dear Bill, Thank you for your order. We appreciate your business and we hope you will help spread the word by telling others about us. 6,0,F,3 HSnider Distributors 589 West California Avenue, Suite 21A AGAWAM 01453-1234 589 West California Avenue AGAWAM 01001 5 lbs 10.3 oz YABC Direct Marketing 4384 Oak Street, Suite 8 Anytown, MA 01019-9999 (555) 555-5656 Dear Bill, Thank you for your order. We appreciate your business and we hope you will help spread the word by telling others about us. Dear Bill, Thank you for your order. We have your order ready for shipment. Please send your payment as soon as possible for the amount indicated here under Balance Due and we will rush your order to you. Thank you. Dear Bill, Thank you for your order. Enjoy your FREE Gift which we have included in with your shipment. We hope you ll tell others about us. Hope to hear from you again soon. Dear Bill, Thank you for your order and for your support of ABC Direct Marketing. We are shipping your order so that you will receive it in time, eventhough there is a balance due. PLEASE SEND PAYMENT FOR THE AB[MOUNT DUE AT YOUR EARLIEST CONVENIENCE so that we may reconcile our accounting. Thank you. 22,Ltr,R E1003 Dennis E. Browne, Sales Manager 6,0,Z,3 5,10,X,0 23.50 10.50 12,Ltr,B 6,0,FX,0 0,0,0,0 90.2628 Bill Jones RK-6554-859-5455 Shipping 6666666666 7777777777 2.651 -.384395 Handle With Care 10/6/93 Updated 12.50 13.50 Taxable Taxable Taxable Taxable Invoice CYour balance is due and payable on or before: Saturday, Jan 1, ' 94 Thank you for the opportunity to bid on your project. If you have any questions, or require any further information, please do not hesitate to call. Printed Invoice Amt 151.25 Sales Tax is not added to a Wholesale transaction. 12/1/93 P-1028 Wednesday, Dec 1, '93 2% 5/ 30 days net 4.347 4.347 35.09 14.25 39.16 26.25 87.09 12/07/93 Add'l discount applies 148.51 148.51 Invoice Total You can save an extra 2% on this Invoice if we receive your payment on or before Tue, Dec 7th. Your discounted total would be: $148.51 136.75 58.437 151.25 148.51 11/19/93 Suite 21A Exported Dennis E. Browne Full Time, Exempt 111-555-7327 Shipped 33,6,3D ABC:lt ABC:st ABC:inc 6 Lbs T245 549 9584 Common Carrier Early Pay Disc -$2.74 .0125 .0625 111-555-0202 HABC Direct Marketing 4384 Oak Street, Suite 8 Anytown, MA 01019-9999 JSnider Distributors 589 West California Avenue Suite 21A AGAWAM, MA 01001 LSnider Distributors 589 West California Avenue Suite 21A AGAWAM, MA 01001 VSnider Distributors 3221 Corporate Center Drive Unit 3324 LEOMINSTER, MA 01453-1234 Trade Show B President 148.51 151.25 Resale Number: RK-6554-859-5455 S1008 Metallic Black White Medium Medium Medium Large 93128B CV106D RichardE MartinF Richard MartinH 111-527-7787I 1254N 1/17/93O 3/11/93P 3/16/93Q 3/11/93R VisaS 5612-9999-9999-9999T 233.25U 233.25V 04/15/93] CLOSED_ T-100 XYZ Company T-shirt - L Tough Paka Retailc 71.98i 233.25o 71.98t 85.9736| 42.9868} UPS Ground 11.313 lbs. 216.98 I GROVELAND GROVELAND, MA XYZ Company O@XYZ Company P.O. Box 12546 Anytown, MA 01019-9999 (555) 555-1212 P_XYZ Company Plaza Towers Building, 4565 18th Street Anytown, MA 01019-9999 (555) 555-1212 S=Richard Martin P.O. Box 956 2171 Rosedale AGAWAM, MA 01001 TGRichard Martin Shipping Department 600 New Stine GROVELAND, MA 01834 MA 123-555 MA 123-555 January 31.25 16.75 48.75 4,12,Com 22,12,R 12,12,B Large Envelope 007371007 Thank U For Order Dear Richard, Thank you for your order. We appreciate your business and we hope you will help spread the word by telling others about us. 12,0,F,4 9Richard Martin P.O. Box 956, 2171 Rosedale AGAWAM 01834 ELast Payment: Visa #5612-9999-9999-9999 for $233.25 - posted 03/11/93 P.O. Box 956 AGAWAM 01001 11 lbs 4.9 oz FXYZ Company P.O. Box 12546 Anytown, MA 01019-9999 (555) 555-1212 Dear Richard, Thank you for your order. We appreciate your business and we hope you will help spread the word by telling others about us. Dear Richard, Thank you for your order. We have your order ready for shipment. Please send your payment as soon as possible for the amount indicated here under Balance Due and we will rush your order to you. Thank you. Dear Richard, Thank you for your order. Enjoy your FREE Gift which we have included in with your shipment. We hope you ll tell others about us. Hope to hear from you again soon. Dear Richard, Thank you for your order and for your support of XYZ Company. We are shipping your order so that you will receive it in time, eventhough there is a balance due. PLEASE SEND PAYMENT FOR THE AMOUNT BUDUE AT YOUR EARLIEST CONVENIENCE so that we may reconcile our accounting. Thank you. 22,Ltr,R E1004 "Julie R. Smith, Customer Serv. Mgr 12,0,Z,4 11,5,X,0 13.95 10.50 12,Ltr,B 12,0,FX,0 0,0,0,0 180.8736 SR AR 111-3526-888 8888888888 9999999999 6.94336 UPS Zone 4 UPS SHIPPER NO 10/6/93 Updated 35.99 14.50 Taxable Taxable 13.56 Invoice Thank you for the opportunity to bid on your project. If you have any questions, or require any further information, please do not hesitate to call. Printed Invoice Amt 233.25 14.95 35.99 13.56 3/15/93 P-1034 Monday, Mar 15, '93 30 Days Net 4.347 8.694 63.29 156.99 03/16/93 Add'l discount applies 233.25 Invoice Total 216.98 56.194 233.25 233.25 11/19/93 2171 Rosedale Exported Julie R. Smith Full Time, Exempt 111-555-8721 Shipped 34,12,3D 12.38 XYZ:lt XYZ:st XYZ:inc 12 Lbs Common Carrier 16.27 13.56 13.56 .0125 .0625 111-555-1212 NXYZ Company Plaza Towers Building, 4565 18th Street Anytown, MA 01019-9999 ;Richard Martin P.O. Box 956 2171 Rosedale AGAWAM, MA 01001 =Richard Martin P.O. Box 956 2171 Rosedale AGAWAM, MA 01001 GRichard Martin Shipping Department 600 New Stine GROVELAND, MA 01834 Trade Show A President 233.25 233.25 233.25 16.27 S1009 White Large Medium 93129B CV107D BillE Jones Snider DistributorsH 111-555-9658I 1/16/93O 12/28/93P 12/28/93Q 12/28/93V -113Z 01/27/94] OPEN_ 047` Tough Pak Solar Widgeta Wholesalec 6.75i 141.75n 6.75t 171.9472 42.9868} UPS Blue 11.125 lbs. 106.75 LEOMINSTER LEOMINSTER, MA XYZ Company O@XYZ Company P.O. Box 12546 Anytown, MA 01019-9999 (555) 555-1212 P_XYZ Company Plaza Towers Building, 4565 18th Street Anytown, MA 01019-9999 (555) 555-1212 SLSnider Distributors 589 West California Avenue Suite 21A AGAWAM, MA 01001 TVSnider Distributors 3221 Corporate Center Drive Unit 3324 LEOMINSTER, MA 01453-1234 MA 123-555 MA 123-555 January 139.61 31.25 16.75 48.75 3,12,Res 22,12,R 12,12,B Med Box 1 5.6254 007371007 16.75 16.75 Thank U For Order Dear Bill, Thank you for your order. We appreciate your business and we hope you will help spread the word by telling others about us. 12,0,F,3 HSnider Distributors 589 West California Avenue, Suite 21A AGAWAM 01453-1234 589 West California Avenue AGAWAM 01001 11 lbs 1.6 oz FXYZ Company P.O. Box 12546 Anytown, MA 01019-9999 (555) 555-1212 Dear Bill, Thank you for your order. We appreciate your business and we hope you will help spread the word by telling others about us. Dear Bill, Thank you for your order. We have your order ready for shipment. Please send your payment as soon as possible for the amount indicated here under Balance Due and we will rush your order to you. Thank you. Dear Bill, Thank you for your order. Enjoy your FREE Gift which we have included in with your shipment. We hope you ll tell others about us. Hope to hear from you again soon. Dear Bill, Thank you for your order and for your support of XYZ Company. We are shipping your order so that you will receive it in time, eventhough there is a balance due. PLEASE SEND PAYMENT FOR THE AMOUNT DUEBR AT YOUR EARLIEST CONVENIENCE so that we may reconcile our accounting. Thank you. XRemit payment to: XYZ Company P.O. Box 12546 Anytown, MA 01019-9999 (555) 555-1212 22,Ltr,R E1003 Dennis E. Browne, Sales Manager 12,0,Z,3 11,2,X,0 13.95 10.50 12,Ltr,B 12,0,FX,0 0,0,0,0 177.5726 Bill Jones RK-6554-859-5455 Shipping 8888888888 9999999999 2.651 -.92785 UPS Zone 12 UPS SHIPPER NO 10/6/93 Updated Taxable Taxable Invoice DYour balance is due and payable on or before: Thursday, Jan 27, ' 94 Thank you for the opportunity to bid on your project. If you have any questions, or require any further information, please do not hesitate to call. Printed Invoice Amt 141.75 Sales Tax is not added to a Wholesale transaction. 12/28/93 P-1035 Tuesday, Dec 28, '93 2% 5/ 30 days net 4.347 17.388 82.61 102.28 01/02/94 Add'l discount applies 139.61 139.61 Invoice Total You can save an extra 2% on this Invoice if we receive your payment on or before Sun, Jan 2nd. Your discounted total would be: $139.61 106.75 20.578 141.75 139.61 11/19/93 Suite 21A Exported Dennis E. Browne Full Time, Exempt 111-555-7327 Shipped 33,12,3D 12.29 XYZ:lt XYZ:st XYZ:inc 12 Lbs 16.75 Early Pay Disc -$2.14 .0125 .0625 111-555-0202 NXYZ Company Plaza Towers Building, 4565 18th Street Anytown, MA 01019-9999 JSnider Distributors 589 West California Avenue Suite 21A AGAWAM, MA 01001 LSnider Distributors 589 West California Avenue Suite 21A AGAWAM, MA 01001 VSnider Distributors 3221 Corporate Center Drive Unit 3324 LEOMINSTER, MA 01453-1234 Trade Show B President 139.61 141.75 16.75 Resale Number: RK-6554-859-5455 S1010 White Metallic Medium Medium 16.75 93159B CV107D BillE JonesF Snider DistributorsH 111-555-9658I 13125N 2/21/93O 12/28/93P 12/28/93Q 12/28/93U 01/27/94] CLOSED_ 047` Tough Pak Solar Widgeta Wholesalec 41.94 88.02n 14.08o 41.94 128.9604 42.9868} UPS Ground 8.625 lbs. 68.94 LEOMINSTER LEOMINSTER, MA XYZ Company O@XYZ Company P.O. Box 12546 Anytown, MA 01019-9999 (555) 555-1212 P_XYZ Company Plaza Towers Building, 4565 18th Street Anytown, MA 01019-9999 (555) 555-1212 SLSnider Distributors 589 West California Avenue Suite 21A AGAWAM, MA 01001 TVSnider Distributors 3221 Corporate Center Drive Unit 3324 LEOMINSTER, MA 01453-1234 MA 123-555 MA 123-555 February 27.00 13.25 43.50 3,9,Res 22,9,R 12,9,B Med Box 2 8.235 007371007 11.24 Custom Note Hi Bob, 9,0,F,3 HSnider Distributors 589 West California Avenue, Suite 21A AGAWAM 01453-1234 589 West California Avenue AGAWAM 01001 8 lbs 9.2 oz FXYZ Company P.O. Box 12546 Anytown, MA 01019-9999 (555) 555-1212 Hi Bob, Dear Bill, Thank you for your order. We appreciate your business and we hope you will help spread the word by telling others about us. Dear Bill, Thank you for your order. We have your order ready for shipment. Please send your payment as soon as possible for the amount indicated here under Balance Due and we will rush your order to you. Thank you. Dear Bill, Thank you for your order. Enjoy your FREE Gift which we have included in with your shipment. We hope you ll tell others about us. Hope to hear from you again soon. Dear Bill, Thank you for your order and for your support of XYZ Company. We are shipping your order so that you will receive it in time, eventhough there is a balance due. PLEASE SEND PAYMENT FOR THE AMOUNT DUEBR AT YOUR EARLIEST CONVENIENCE so that we may reconcile our accounting. Thank you. 22,Ltr,R E1003 Dennis E. Browne, Sales Manager 9,0,Z,3 8,9,X,0 26.55 10.50 12,Ltr,B 9,0,FX,0 0,0,0,0 137.1954 Bill Jones RK-6554-859-5455 Shipping 8888888888 9999999999 2.651 -.5058108 UPS Zone 3 UPS SHIPPER NO 3/29/93 Updated 13.98 13.98 Taxable Taxable Estimate -Your balance is due and payable upon receipt. Thank you for the opportunity to bid on your project. If you have any questions, or require any further information, please do not hesitate to call. Printed Est Amt Sales Tax is not added to a Wholesale transaction. 12/28/93 P-1065 Tuesday, Dec 28, '93 2% 5/ 30 days net 4.347 13.041 12.76 14.24 01/02/94 Add'l discount applies 86.64 Estimate Total 88.02 -1.38 11/19/93 Suite 21A Exported Dennis E. Browne Full Time, Exempt 111-555-7327 Shipped 33,9,3D XYZ:lt XYZ:st XYZ:inc 9 Lbs 86.64 T245 549 9585 Common Carrier Early Pay Disc -$1.38 .0125 .0625 111-555-0202 NXYZ Company Plaza Towers Building, 4565 18th Street Anytown, MA 01019-9999 JSnider Distributors 589 West California Avenue Suite 21A AGAWAM, MA 01001 LSnider Distributors 589 West California Avenue Suite 21A AGAWAM, MA 01001 VSnider Distributors 3221 Corporate Center Drive Unit 3324 LEOMINSTER, MA 01453-1234 Trade Show B President Resale Number: RK-6554-859-5455 S1011 White Metallic Medium Medium 93164B CV105D DavidE MeadorF May Department StoresH 111-555-6952N 3/26/93O 12/28/93P 12/29/93Q 12/28/93V -114Z 01/28/94] OPEN_ T-100 T-099` XYZ Company T-shirt - L XYZ Company T-shirt - Ma Wholesalec 142.5i 332.5o 142.5t 185.2 138.9| 9.26} Hand Deliver 20.313 lbs. 332.5 DUDLEY HILL DUDLEY HILL, MA XYZ Company O@XYZ Company P.O. Box 12546 Anytown, MA 01019-9999 (555) 555-1212 P_XYZ Company Plaza Towers Building, 4565 18th Street Anytown, MA 01019-9999 (555) 555-1212 SLMay Department Stores Valley Plaza 4536 Main Street AGAWAM, MA 01001-9999 TgMay Department Stores Attn: Distribution Warehouse 7013 Baker Avenue Depot 124 DUDLEY HILL, MA 01570 MA 123-555 Hand Deliver March 332.5 40.25 27.25 3,21,Com 22,21,R 12,21,B 007371106 Thank U For Order Dear David, Thank you for your order. We appreciate your business and we hope you will help spread the word by telling others about us. 21,0,F,3 CMay Department Stores Valley Plaza, 4536 Main Street AGAWAM 01570 Valley Plaza AGAWAM 01001-9999 20 lbs 4.1 oz FXYZ Company P.O. Box 12546 Anytown, MA 01019-9999 (555) 555-1212 Dear David, Thank you for your order. We appreciate your business and we hope you will help spread the word by telling others about us. Dear David, Thank you for your order. We have your order ready for shipment. Please send your payment as soon as possible for the amount indicated here under Balance Due and we will rush your order to you. Thank you. Dear David, Thank you for your order. Enjoy your FREE Gift which we have included in with your shipment. We hope you ll tell others about us. Hope to hear from you again soon. Dear David, Thank you for your order and for your support of XYZ Company. We are shipping your order so that you will receive it in time, eventhough there is a balance due. PLEASE SEND PAYMENT FOR THE AMOUNT DUBSE AT YOUR EARLIEST CONVENIENCE so that we may reconcile our accounting. Thank you. XRemit payment to: XYZ Company P.O. Box 12546 Anytown, MA 01019-9999 (555) 555-1212 22,Ltr,R E1003 Dennis E. Browne, Sales Manager 10.70 21,0,Z,3 20,4,X,0 43.00 10.50 12,Ltr,B 21,0,FX,0 0,0,0,0 324.1 David Meador SR-4489-51138-63 8888888888 9999999999 2.651 Via Courier 10/6/93 Updated Taxable Taxable Invoice BYour balance is due and payable on or before: Friday, Jan 28, ' 94 Thank you for the opportunity to bid on your project. If you have any questions, or require any further information, please do not hesitate to call. Printed Invoice Amt 332.5 Sales Tax is not added to a Wholesale transaction. 45,000 12/28/93 P-1070 Tuesday, Dec 28, '93 30 Days Net 71.25 71.25 166.25 12/29/93 NO add'l discount - $ SHORT 332.5 332.5 Invoice Total 332.5 166.25 332.5 332.5 11/19/93 4536 Main Street Exported Dennis E. Browne Full Time, Exempt 111-555-7327 Shipped 33,21,3D 18.86 XYZ:lt XYZ:st XYZ:inc 21 Lbs Common Carrier .0125 .0625 111-555-9658 NXYZ Company Plaza Towers Building, 4565 18th Street Anytown, MA 01019-9999 JMay Department Stores Valley Plaza 4536 Main Street AGAWAM, MA 01001-9999 LMay Department Stores Valley Plaza 4536 Main Street AGAWAM, MA 01001-9999 gMay Department Stores Attn: Distribution Warehouse 7013 Baker Avenue Depot 124 DUDLEY HILL, MA 01570 Friend Buyer 332.5 332.5 Resale Number: SR-4489-51138-63 S1012 Black Large Medium 12/22/90...12/22/93 Invoice *---SCRIPTS THAT CONTROL WINDOW ZOOMING---- Zoom Window Un-Zoom Window GoTo 13" Data Entry & Zoom GoTo 13" Item Entry & Zoom GoTo 13" Long Item Entry & Zoom GoTo 13" Proposal & Zoom GoTo 9" Data Entry & Zoom GoTo 9" Item Entry & Zoom ,--------LAYOUT SIZE CONTROL SCRIPTS--------- Go To "Data Entry" for finds Go To "Item Entry" for finds !Go To "Long Item Entry" for finds Go To "Payment Entry" for finds Go To "Proposal" for finds 15 Days Late Print Aging >30 Days Late Print Invoice (Current Record) O"Print Invoice(s) - (ALL unprinted) Print Invoice(s) (w/Find) U#Print Long Invoice (Current Record) W'Print Long Invoice(s) - (ALL unprinted) Print Long Invoice(s) (w/Find) ]&Print Packing/Invoice (Current Record) _*Print Packing/Invoice(s) - (ALL unprinted) a!Print Packing/Invoice(s) (w/Find) Print Return(s) i$Print Late Notice(s) (Find Customer) k"Print Statement(s) (Find Customer) m%Print FINAL Notice(s) (Find Customer) Print Customer History s(View Customer Statistics (Find Customer) Print Customer Statistics w View Current Customer Statistics Sales By Your Company Names }"Sales By Employee (Overall Totals) %Sales By Employee (By Your Company #) Sales Commissions by Salesperson "Sales By Customer (Overall Totals) %Sales By Customer (By Your Company #) Print Expected Shipping Schedule %Print Ship Labels (6) Up - Avery 5164 )Print TODAY'S UPS Pickup Record (3 Parts) Export for DataTranzlator ,---------------Utility Scripts-------------- Find All Unprinted Records Enter Defaults (after an import) Find Current Record *Print w/Find Customer For Statements, etc. >11 Items Button Script 13" Print UPS Manifest UPS Invoice Number Pre-Sort Print UPS Manifest Summary Update Invoice Inventory Update Return Inventory Close File Subroutine Print Invoice(s) Part 2 Print Invoice(s) Part 2 w/Find Print Estimate(s) Part 2 Print Quote(s) Part 2 Hide Status Area Show Status Area UPS Pickup Record Part 2 !Print Ship Labels (6) Up - Part 2 Find Updated (Omit) Check Printed GoTo Long List Go To Inventory Update New Record 9" New Record 13" /Copy Field "Order Date" From "Find Date" Layout Printing Subroutine 0-------------- HomeBase Scripts ---------------- Update "Today" Field #View Customer Stats (from HomeBase) View Invoices (From HomeBase) %View Printed Invoices (From HomeBase) (Print Unprinted Invoices (From HomeBase) (Print Statement For Cust (From HomeBase) "New Customer Record in CustVend.FM View Customer Statistics 1-------------- Orders.FM Scripts ---------------- 0New Invoice For Picked Customer (From Orders.FM) .New Quote For Picked Customer (From Orders.FM) 1New Estimate For Picked Customer (From Orders.FM) )New Invoices From Orders.FM (ALL - Batch) $-------------DEMO Scripts----------- Demo MASTER Script - INDIVIDUAL DEMO Demo MASTER Script - WHOLE DEMO Demo Step 1 Demo Step 2 Demo Step 3 Demo Step 4 Demo Step 5 Demo Step 6 Demo Step - Clear Out Preview & Print Invoice/Packing For DEMO Print A/R Report Invoice Print Aging Report Print Aging >15 Days Late Print Aging >30 Days Late A"Print Invoice(s) - (ALL unprinted) A*Print Packing/Invoice(s) - (ALL unprinted) Print Customer History UPS Pickup Record Part 2 A$Print Late Notice(s) (Find Customer) A%Print FINAL Notice(s) (Find Customer) GoTo Data Entry GoTo Item Entry GoTo Reports A)Print TODAY'S UPS Pickup Record (3 Parts) Invoice A GoTo Find A!Print Ship Labels (6) Up - Part 2 A%Print Ship Labels (6) Up - Avery 5164 Hide Status Area Show Status Area Zoom Window Un-Zoom Window Update "Today" Field GoTo HomeBase HomeBase.FM View Customer Statistics GoTo Long List Find Updated (Omit) Updated Invoice Quote Estimate Return Export for DataTranzlator BIZ Export for Quicken Estimate Quote Invoice Exported Return Exported Exported Check Printed !al [ !rint Inde Printed GoTo 13" Data Entry & Zoom wse M Print Customer Statistics IA Print Expected Shipping Schedule JA#View Customer Stats (from HomeBase) LA%Sales By Customer (By Your Company #) Invoice Return MA"Sales By Customer (Overall Totals) Invoice Return Update Invoice Inventory Inv_Hist.FM ventory (Batch) Inv_Temp.FM Inv_Hist.FM CompTemp.FM Products.FM Invoice shipped Updated Updated Go To Inventory Update Invoice shipped Return Updated SA0-------------- HomeBase Scripts ---------------- View Invoices (From HomeBase) Invoice YA%View Printed Invoices (From HomeBase) Invoice Printed ZA(Print Unprinted Invoices (From HomeBase) Invoice Printed Quote Estimate Return [A(Print Statement For Cust (From HomeBase) HomeBase.FMrom HomeBase) L(From HomeBase) Invoice \A"Sales By Employee (Overall Totals) Invoice Return ]A%Sales By Employee (By Your Company #) Invoice Return Sales By Your Company Names Invoice Return _A0New Invoice For Picked Customer (From Orders.FM) cA"New Customer Record in CustVend.FM CustVend.FM Estimate Quote Invoice Exported Return Exported hA.New Quote For Picked Customer (From Orders.FM) Quote jA1New Estimate For Picked Customer (From Orders.FM) Estimate kA(View Customer Statistics (Find Customer) GoTo Proposal Layout GoTo Long Item Entry 9" GoTo Long Item Entry 13" GoTo 9" Item Entry & Zoom wse M GoTo 13" Item Entry & Zoom wse M GoTo 13" Proposal & Zoom #wse M uA11 Items Button Script 13" Demo MASTER Script - INDIVIDUAL DEMO HomeBase.FM A$-------------DEMO Scripts----------- Demo Step 1 INV01 Demo Step 2 INV02B DOWNARROWC LEFTARROW Demo Step 3 INV03B LEFTARROW Demo Step 4 INV04B Med Box 1 Demo Step 5 INV05 Twopointoh, Thank you for your insightful help during our recent expedition. Your warning about the quicksand literally saved my life! Give my best to Arnold, and hug Twopointwon for me. Hope to see you again sB Custom Note Demo Step - Clear Out INVOICESCLOSE Demo Step 6 INV06 Demo MASTER Script - WHOLE DEMO HomeBase.FM Preview & Print Invoice/Packing For DEMO bizworth Begin Guided Expedition... HomeBase.FM Begin Guided Expedition... Begin Guided Expedition... A*Print w/Find Customer For Statements, etc. Invoice Return Find Current Record s1001 s1008 s1011 A Enter Defaults (after an import) NONEB Thank U For OrderC Find All Unprinted Records Invoice Printed Quote Estimate Return Helvetica L Helvetica Light Times Geneva MS Sans Seriferif !CLBI Helvetica Condensed BlackObl Eras Demi Arial Times New Roman %%DSIDICT:_cv currentdict /bu known {bu}if userdict /_cv known not{userdict /_cv 30 dict put}if _cv begiB /bdf{bind def}bind def currentscreen/cs exch def/ca exch def/cf exch def systemdict/setcmykcolor known{/cvcmyk /setcmykcolor load def}{/cvcmyk{1 sub 4 1 roll 3{3 index add neg dup 0 lt{pop 0}if 3 1 roll}repea t setrgbcolor pop}bdf}ifelse /ss{//cf //ca //cs setscreen}bdf /stg{ss setgray}bdf /strgb{ss setrgbcolor}bdf /stcmyk{ss cvcmyk}bdf /min1{dup 0 eq{pop 1}if}bdf currentdict /bn known {bn}if )0.5333 0.5333 0.5333 _cv begin strgb end Xdrw2 1 1 1 _cv begin strgb end 1 1 1 _cv begin strgb end DDDDDD DDDDDD )0.2667 0.2667 0.2667 _cv begin strgb end Xdrw2 DDDDDDDDDDDD )0.2667 0.2667 0.2667 _cv begin strgb end )0.2667 0.2667 0.2667 _cv begin strgb end )0.2667 0.2667 0.2667 _cv begin strgb end %%DSIDICT:_cv currentdict /bu known {bu}if userdict /_cv known not{userdict /_cv 30 dict put}if _cv begi /bdf{bind def}bind def currentscreen/cs exch def/ca exch def/cf exch def systemdict/setcmykcolor known{/cvcmyk /setcmykcolor load def}{/cvcmyk{1 sub 4 1 roll 3{3 index add neg dup 0 lt{pop 0}if 3 1 roll}repeaC t setrgbcolor pop}bdf}ifelse /ss{//cf //ca //cs setscreen}bdf /stg{ss setgray}bdf /strgb{ss setrgbcolor}bdf /stcmyk{ss cvcmyk}bdf /min1{dup 0 eq{pop 1}if}bdf currentdict /bn known {bn}if 0drw2 ~ffff ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" %%DSIDICT:_cv currentdict /bu known {bu}if userdict /_cv known not{userdict /_cv 30 dict put}if _cv begiB /bdf{bind def}bind def currentscreen/cs exch def/ca exch def/cf exch def systemdict/setcmykcolor known{/cvcmyk /setcmykcolor load 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{bu}if userdict /_cv known not{userdict /_cv 30 dict put}if _cv begiB /bdf{bind def}bind def currentscreen/cs exch def/ca exch def/cf exch def systemdict/setcmykcolor known{/cvcmyk /setcmykcolor load def}{/cvcmyk{1 sub 4 1 roll 3{3 index add neg dup 0 lt{pop 0}if 3 1 roll}repea t setrgbcolor pop}bdf}ifelse /ss{//cf //ca //cs setscreen}bdf /stg{ss setgray}bdf /strgb{ss setrgbcolor}bdf /stcmyk{ss cvcmyk}bdf /min1{dup 0 eq{pop 1}if}bdf currentdict /bn known {bn}if 0drw2 ~ffff ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" %%DSIDICT:_cv currentdict /bu known {bu}if userdict /_cv known not{userdict /_cv 30 dict put}if _cv begi /bdf{bind def}bind def currentscreen/cs exch def/ca exch def/cf exch def systemdict/setcmykcolor known{/cvcmyk /setcmykcolor load def}{/cvcmyk{1 sub 4 1 roll 3{3 index add neg dup 0 lt{pop 0}if 3 1 roll}repeaC t setrgbcolor pop}bdf}ifelse /ss{//cf //ca //cs setscreen}bdf /stg{ss setgray}bdf /strgb{ss setrgbcolor}bdf /stcmyk{ss cvcmyk}bdf /min1{dup 0 eq{pop 1}if}bdf currentdict /bn known {bn}if )0.5333 0.5333 0.5333 _cv begin strgb end Xdrw2 1 1 1 E _cv begin strgb end 1 1 1 _cv begin strgb end DDDDDD DDDDDD )0.2667 0.2667 0.2667 _cv begin strgb end Xdrw2 DDDDDDDDDDDD )0.2667 0.2667 0.2667 _cv begin strgb end )0.2667 0.2667 0.2667 _cv begin strgb endG )0.2667 0.2667 0.2667 _cv begin strgb end %%DSIDICT:_cv currentdict /bu known {bu}if userdict /_cv known not{userdict /_cv 30 dict put}if _cv begiB /bdf{bind def}bind def currentscreen/cs exch def/ca exch def/cf exch def systemdict/setcmykcolor known{/cvcmyk /setcmykcolor load def}{/cvcmyk{1 sub 4 1 roll 3{3 index add neg dup 0 lt{pop 0}if 3 1 roll}repea t setrgbcolor pop}bdf}ifelse /ss{//cf //ca //cs setscreen}bdf /stg{ss setgray}bdf /strgb{ss setrgbcolor}bdf /stcmyk{ss cvcmyk}bdf /min1{dup 0 eq{pop 1}if}bdf currentdict /bn known {bn}if 0 0 0.5333 _cv begin strgb end 0drw2 0 0 0.5333 _cv begin strgb end ~ffff ffffff ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" %%DSIDICT:_cv currentdict /bu known {bu}if userdict /_cv known not{userdict /_cv 30 dict put}if _cv begiB /bdf{bind def}bind def currentscreen/cs exch def/ca exch def/cf exch def systemdict/setcmykcolor known{/cvcmyk /setcmykcolor load def}{/cvcmyk{1 sub 4 1 roll 3{3 index add neg dup 0 lt{pop 0}if 3 1 roll}repea t setrgbcolor pop}bdf}ifelse /ss{//cf //ca //cs setscreen}bdf /stg{ss setgray}bdf /strgb{ss setrgbcolor}bdf /stcmyk{ss cvcmyk}bdf /min1{dup 0 eq{pop 1}if}bdf currentdict /bn known {bn}if 1 _cv begin stg end 0drw2 1 _cv begin stg end ~ffff ffffff ffffJ ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" %%DSIDICT:_cv currentdict /bu known {bu}if userdict /_cv known not{userdict /_cv 30 dict put}if _cv begiB /bdf{bind def}bind def currentscreen/cs exch def/ca exch def/cf exch def systemdict/setcmykcolor known{/cvcmyk /setcmykcolor load def}{/cvcmyk{1 sub 4 1 roll 3{3 index add neg dup 0 lt{pop 0}if 3 1 roll}repea t setrgbcolor pop}bdf}ifelse /ss{//cf //ca //cs setscreen}bdf /stg{ss setgray}bdf /strgb{ss setrgbcolor}bdf /stcmyk{ss cvcmyk}bdf /min1{dup 0 eq{pop 1}if}bdf currentdict /bn known {bn}if 0drw2 ~ffff ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" %%DSIDICT:_cv currentdict /bu known {bu}if userdict /_cv known not{userdict /_cv 30 dict put}if _cv begiB /bdf{bind def}bind def currentscreen/cs exch def/ca exch def/cf exch def systemdict/setcmykcolor known{/cvcmyk /setcmykcolor load def}{/cvcmyk{1 sub 4 1 roll 3{3 index add neg dup 0 lt{pop 0}if 3 1 roll}repea t setrgbcolor pop}bdf}ifelse /ss{//cf //ca //cs setscreen}bdf /stg{ss setgray}bdf /strgb{ss setrgbcolor}bdf /stcmyk{ss cvcmyk}bdf /min1{dup 0 eq{pop 1}if}bdf currentdict /bn known {bn}if 1 _cv begin stg end 0drw2 1 _cv begin stg end ~ffff ffffff ffffJ ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" drw2R %%DSIDICT:_cv currentdict /bu known {bu}if userdict /_cv known not{userdict /_cv 30 dict put}if _cv begi /bdf{bind def}bind def currentscreen/cs exch def/ca exch def/cf exch def systemdict/setcmykcolor known{/cvcmyk /setcmykcolor load def}{/cvcmyk{1 sub 4 1 roll 3{3 index add neg dup 0 lt{pop 0}if 3 1 roll}repeaC t setrgbcolor pop}bdf}ifelse /ss{//cf //ca //cs setscreen}bdf /stg{ss setgray}bdf /strgb{ss setrgbcolor}bdf /stcmyk{ss cvcmyk}bdf /min1{dup 0 eq{pop 1}if}bdf currentdict /bn known {bn}if 1 _cv begin stg end 0drw2 1 _cv begin stg end ~ffff ffffff ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" %%DSIDICT:_cv currentdict /bu known {bu}if userdict /_cv known not{userdict /_cv 30 dict put}if _cv begiB /bdf{bind def}bind def currentscreen/cs exch def/ca exch def/cf exch def systemdict/setcmykcolor known{/cvcmyk /setcmykcolor load def}{/cvcmyk{1 sub 4 1 roll 3{3 index add neg dup 0 lt{pop 0}if 3 1 roll}repea t setrgbcolor pop}bdf}ifelse /ss{//cf //ca //cs setscreen}bdf /stg{ss setgray}bdf /strgb{ss setrgbcolor}bdf /stcmyk{ss cvcmyk}bdf /min1{dup 0 eq{pop 1}if}bdf currentdict /bn known {bn}if 1 _cv begin stg end 0drw2 1 _cv begin stg end ~ffff ffffff ffffJ ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" %%DSIDICT:_cv currentdict /bu known {bu}if userdict /_cv known not{userdict /_cv 30 dict put}if _cv begi /bdf{bind def}bind def currentscreen/cs exch def/ca exch def/cf exch def systemdict/setcmykcolor known{/cvcmyk /setcmykcolor load def}{/cvcmyk{1 sub 4 1 roll 3{3 index add neg dup 0 lt{pop 0}if 3 1 roll}repeaC t setrgbcolor pop}bdf}ifelse /ss{//cf //ca //cs setscreen}bdf /stg{ss setgray}bdf /strgb{ss setrgbcolor}bdf /stcmyk{ss cvcmyk}bdf /min1{dup 0 eq{pop 1}if}bdf currentdict /bn known {bn}if )0.6000 0.4000 0.2000 _cv begin strgb end 0drw2 )0.6000 0.4000 0.2000 _cv begin strgb end ~ffff ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" %%DSIDICT:_cv currentdict /bu known {bu}if userdict /_cv known not{userdict /_cv 30 dict put}if _cv begiB /bdf{bind def}bind def currentscreen/cs exch def/ca exch def/cf exch def systemdict/setcmykcolor known{/cvcmyk /setcmykcolor load def}{/cvcmyk{1 sub 4 1 roll 3{3 index add neg dup 0 lt{pop 0}if 3 1 roll}repea t setrgbcolor pop}bdf}ifelse /ss{//cf //ca //cs setscreen}bdf /stg{ss setgray}bdf /strgb{ss setrgbcolor}bdf /stcmyk{ss cvcmyk}bdf /min1{dup 0 eq{pop 1}if}bdf currentdict /bn known {bn}if 0drw2 ~ffff ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" %%DSIDICT:_cv currentdict /bu known {bu}if userdict /_cv known not{userdict /_cv 30 dict put}if begin /bdf{bind def}bind def currentscreen/cs exch def/ca exch def/cf exch def systemdict/setcmykcolor known{/cvcmyk /setcmykcolor load def}{/cvcmyk{1 sub 4 1 roll 3{3 index add neg dup 0 lt{pop 0}if 3 1 roll}rC epeat setrgbcolor pop}bdf}ifelse /ss{//cf //ca //cs setscreen}bdf /stg{ss setgray}bdf /strgb{ss setrgbcolor}bdf /stcmyk{ss cvcmyk}bdf /min1{dup 0 eq{pop 1}if}bdf currentdict /bn known {bn}if 0drw2 ~ffff ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333K 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" %%DSIDICT:_cv currentdict /bu known {bu}if userdict /_cv known not{userdict /_cv 30 dict put}if _cv B begin /bdf{bind def}bind def currentscreen/cs exch def/ca exch def/cf exch def systemdict/setcmykcolor known{/cvcmyk /setcmykcolor load def}{/cvcmyk{1 sub 4 1 roll 3{3 index add neg dup 0 lt{pop 0}if 3 1 roll}r epeat setrgbcolor pop}bdf}ifelse /ss{//cf //ca //cs setscreen}bdf /stg{ss setgray}bdf /strgb{ss setrgbcolor}bdf /stcmyk{ss cvcmyk}bdf /min1{dup 0 eq{pop 1}if}bdf currentdict /bn known {bn}if )0.7333 0.7333 0.7333 _cv begin strgb end 0drw2 )0.7333 0.7333 0.7333 _cv begin strgb end ffffF ~ffff ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" $0.6000 0.4000 0 _cv begin strgb end _cv begin stg end $0.6000 0.4000 0 _cv begin strgb end 1 _cv begin stg end 0drw2 1 _cv begin stg end 1drw2 1 _cv begin stg end 4drw2 DATA ENTRY Helvetica %%DSIDICT:_cv currentdict /bu known {bu}if userdict /_cv known not{userdict /_cv 30 dict put}if _cv begiB /bdf{bind def}bind def currentscreen/cs exch def/ca exch def/cf exch def systemdict/setcmykcolor known{/cvcmyk /setcmykcolor load def}{/cvcmyk{1 sub 4 1 roll 3{3 index add neg dup 0 lt{pop 0}if 3 1 roll}repea t setrgbcolor pop}bdf}ifelse /ss{//cf //ca //cs setscreen}bdf /stg{ss setgray}bdf /strgb{ss setrgbcolor}bdf /stcmyk{ss cvcmyk}bdf /min1{dup 0 eq{pop 1}if}bdf currentdict /bn known {bn}if 1 _cv begin stg end `drw2 1 _cv begin stg end 0.8000 0 0 _cv begin strgb end %%DSIDICT:_cv currentdict /bu known {bu}if userdict /_cv known not{userdict /_cv 30 dict put}if begin /bdf{bind def}bind def currentscreen/cs exch def/ca exch def/cf exch def systemdict/setcmykcolor known{/cvcmyk /setcmykcolor load def}{/cvcmyk{1 sub 4 1 roll 3{3 index add neg dup 0 lt{pop 0}if 3 1 roll}rC epeat setrgbcolor pop}bdf}ifelse /ss{//cf //ca //cs setscreen}bdf /stg{ss setgray}bdf /strgb{ss setrgbcolor}bdf /stcmyk{ss cvcmyk}bdf /min1{dup 0 eq{pop 1}if}bdf currentdict /bn known {bn}if T:P0 (JP*d @(0 )0.8125 0.8125 0.8125 _cv begin strgb end `drw2 0 _cv begin stg end )0.8125 0.8125 0.8125 _cv begin strgb end 0 _cv begin stg end """""" """""" )0.1333 0.1333 0.1333 _cv begin strgb end `drw2 """""""""""" )0.1333 0.1333 0.1333 _cv begin strgb end )0.1333 0.1333 0.1333 _cv begin strgb end )0.1333 0.1333 0.1333 _cv begin strgb end DDDDDD DDDDDD )0.2667 0.2667 0.2667 _cv begin strgb end `drw2 DDDDDDDDDDDD )0.2667 0.2667 0.2667 _cv begin strgb end )0.2667 0.266 7 0.2667 _cv begin strgb end )0.2667 0.2667 0.2667 _cv begin strgb end """""" )0.5083 0.5083 0.5083 _cv begin strgb end `drw2 """""" )0.1333 0.1333 0.1333 _cv begin strgb end )0.5083 0.5083 0.5083 _cv begin strgb end )0.1333 0.1333 0.1333 _cv begin strgb end )0.6416 0.6416 0.6416 _cv begin strgb end `drw2 0 _cv begin stg end )0.6416 0.6416 0.6416 _cv begin strgb end 0 _cv begin stg end DDDDDD )0.1333 0.1333 0.1333 _cv begin strgb end `drw2 DDDDDD 0 _cv begin stg end )0.1333 0.1333 0.1333 _cv begin strgb end 0 _cv begin stg end )0.6875 0.6875 0.6875 _cv begin strgb end `drw2 0 _cv begin stg end )0.6875 0.6875 0.6875 _cv[ begin strgb end 0 _cv begin stg end Xdrw2 currentpoint currentpoint /DamPage] MkerSv save def _cv begin 2 index sub exch 3 index sub 7 div min1 exch 7 div min1 2 copy scale 3 -1 roll exch div 3 1 roll div 536 sub exch 310 sub translate end 1 _cv begin stg end pnewp 536.7500 310.5000 moveto 536.7500 310.5000 542.7500 316.5000 542.7500 316.5000 curveto closepath eofill DamPageMkerSv restore currentpoint currentpoint_ /DamPageMkerSv save def _cv begin 2 index sub exch 3 index sub 7 div min1 exch 7 div min1 2 copy scale 3 -1 roll exch div 3 1 roll div 536 sub exch 310 sub translate end 1 _cv b egin stg end newpath 536.7500 310.5000 moveto 536.7500 310.5000 542.7500 316.5000 542.7500 316.5000 curveto 0.7500 0.7500 scale 1 setlinewidth stroke DamPageMkerSv restore Xdrw2 currentpoint currentpoint /DamPageMkerSv save def _cv begin 2 index sub exch 3 index sub 7 div min1 exch 7 div min1 2 copy scale 3 -1 roll exch div 3 1 roll div 497c sub exch 297 sub translate end 1 _cv begin stg end pnewpath 497.5000 297.5000 moveto 497.5000 297.5000 503.5000 303.5000 503.5000 303.5000 curveto closepath eofill DamPageMkerSv restore currentpoint currentpoint /DamPageMkerSv save def _cv begin 2 index sub exch 3 index sub 7 div min1 exch 7 div min1 2 copy scale 3 -1 roll ee xch div 3 1 roll div 497 sub exch 297 sub translate end 1 _cv begin stg end newpath 497.5000 297.5000 moveto 497.5000 297.5000 503.5000 303.5000 503.5000 303.5000 curveto 0.7500 0.7500 scale 1 setlinewidth stroke DamPageMkerSv restore Xdrw2 currentpoint currentpoint /DamPageMkerSv save def _cv begin 2 index sub exch 3 index sub 7 div min1 exch 7 div min1 2 copy scale 3 -1 roll exch div 3 1 roll div 356 sub exch 297 sub translate end 1 _cv begin stg end pnewpath 356.7500 297.2500 moveto 356.7500 297.2500 362.7500 303.25i 00 362.7500 303.2500 curveto closepath eofill DamPageMkerSv restore currentpoint currentpoint /DamPageMkerSv save def _cv begin 2 inde x sub exch 3 index sub 7 div min1 exch 7 div min1 2 copy scale 3 -1 roll exch div 3 1 roll div 356 sub exch 297 sub translate end 1 _cv begin stg end newpath 356.7500 297.2500 moveto 356.7500 k 297.2500 362.7500 303.2500 362.7500 303.2500 curveto 0.7500 0.7500 scale 1 setlinewidth stroke DamPageMkerSv restore Xdrw2 currentpoint currentpoint /DamPageMkerSv save def _cv begin 2 index sub exch 3 index sub 7 div min1 exch 6 div min1 2 copy scale 3 -1 roll exch div 3 1 roll div 356 sub exch 240 sub translate end 1 _cv begin stg end \newpath 356.7500 240 moveto 356.7500 240 362.7500 246 362.7500 246 curveto closepath eofill DamPageMkerSv restore currentpoint currentpoint /DamPageMkerSv save def _cv begin 2 index sub exch 3 index sub 7 div min1 exch 6 div min1 2 copy scale 3 -1 roll exch div 3 1 roll div 356 sub exch 240 sub translate end 1 _cv begin stg unewpath 356.7500 240 moveto 356.7500 240 362.7500 246 362.7500 246 curveto 0.7500 0.7500 scale 1 setlinewidth stroke DamPageMkerSv restore 0drw2 %%DSIDICT:_cv currentdict /bu known {bu}if userdict /_cv known not{userdict /_cv 30 dict put}if _cv B begin /bdf{bind def}bind def currentscreen/cs exch def/ca exch def/cf exch def systemdict/setcmykcolor known{/cvcmyk /setcmykcolor load def}{/cvcmyk{1 sub 4 1 roll 3{3 index add neg dup 0 lt{pop 0}if 3 1 roll}r epeat setrgbcolor pop}bdf}ifelse /ss{//cf //ca //cs setscreen}bdf /stg{ss setgray}bdf /strgb{ss setrgbcolor}bdf /stcmyk{ss cvcmyk}bdf /min1{dup 0 eq{pop 1}if}bdf currentdict /bn known {bn}if )0.6000 0.4000 0.2000 _cv begin strgb end 0drw2 )0.6000 0.4000 0.2000 _cv begin strgb end ffffF ~ffff ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" %%DSIDICT:_cv currentdict /bu known {bu}if userdict /_cv known not{userdict /_cv 30 dict put}if _cv begin /bdf{bind def}bind def currentscreen/cs exch def/ca exch def/cf exch def systemdict/setcmykcolor known{/cvcmyk /setcmykcolor load def}{/cvcmyk{1 sub 4 1 roll 3{3 index add neg dup 0 lt{pop 0}if 3 1 roll}repeat setrgbcolor pop}bdf}ifelse /ss{//cf //ca //cs setscreen}bdf /stg{ss setgray}bdf /strgb{ss setrgbcolor}bdf /stcmyk{ss cvcmyk}bdf /min1{dup 0 eq{pop 1}if}bdf currentdict /bn known {bn}if 0drw2 ~ffff ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" %%DSIDICT:_cv currentdict /bu known {bu}if userdict /_cv known not{userdict /_cv 30 dict put}if _cv begin /bdf{bind def}bind def currentscreen/cs exch def/ca exch def/cf exch def systemdict/setcmykcolor known{/cvcmyk /setcmykcolor load def}{/cvcmyk{1 sub 4 1 roll 3{3 index add neg dup 0 lt{pop 0}if 3 1 roll}repeat setrgbcolor pop}bdf}ifelse /ss{//cf //ca //cs setscreen}bdf /stg{ss setgray}bdf /strgb{ss setrgbcolor}bdf /stcmyk{ss cvcmyk}bdf /min1{dup 0 eq{pop 1}if}bdf currentdict /bn known {bn}if 0drw2 ~ffff ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" %%DSIDICT:_cv currentdict /bu known {bu}if userdict /_cv known not{userdict /_cv 30 dict put}if _cv begin /bdf{bind def}bind def currentscreen/cs exch def/ca exch def/cf exch def systemdict/setcmykcolor known{/cvcmyk /setcmykcolor load def}{/cvcmyk{1 sub 4 1 roll 3{3 index add neg dup 0 lt{pop 0}if 3 1 roll}repeat setrgbcolor pop}bdf}ifelse /ss{//cf //ca //cs setscreen}bdf /stg{ss setgray}bdf /strgb{ss setrgbcolor}bdf /stcmyk{ss cvcmyk}bdf /min1{dup 0 eq{pop 1}if}bdf currentdict /bn known {bn}if 0drw2 ~ffff ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" %%DSIDICT:_cv currentdict /bu known {bu}if userdict /_cv known not{userdict /_cv 30 dict put}if _cv beB /bdf{bind def}bind def currentscreen/cs exch def/ca exch def/cf exch def systemdict/setcmykcolor known{/cvcmyk /setcmykcolor load def}{/cvcmyk{1 sub 4 1 roll 3{3 index add neg dup 0 lt{pop 0}if 3 1 roll}rep eat setrgbcolor pop}bdf}ifelse /ss{//cf //ca //cs setscreen}bdf /stg{ss setgray}bdf /strgb{ss setrgbcolor}bdf /stcmyk{ss cvcmyk}bdf /min1{dup 0 eq{pop 1}if}bdf currentdict /bn known {bn}if 1 _cv begin stg end 0drw2 1 _cv begin stg end ~ffff ffffffJ ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" %%DSIDICT:_cv currentdict /bu known {bu}if userdict /_cv known not{userdict /_cv 30 dict put}if _cv begin /bdf{bind def}bind def currentscreen/cs exch def/ca exch def/cf exch def systemdict/setcmykcolor known{/cvcmyk /setcmykcolor load def}{/cvcmyk{1 sub 4 1 roll 3{3 index add neg dup 0 lt{pop 0}if 3 1 roll}repeat C setrgbcolor pop}bdf}ifelse /ss{//cf //ca //cs setscreen}bdf /stg{ss setgray}bdf /strgb{ss setrgbcolor}bdf /stcmyk{ss cvcmyk}bdf /min1{dup 0 eq{pop 1}if}bdf currentdict /bn known {bn}if 0drw2 ~ffff ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" %%DSIDICT:_cv currentdict /bu known {bu}if userdict /_cv known not{userdict /_cv 30 dict put}if _cv begin /bdf{bind def}bind def currentscreen/cs exch def/ca exch def/cf exch def systemdict/setcmykcolor known{/cvcmyk /setcmykcolor load def}{/cvcmyk{1 sub 4 1 roll 3{3 index add neg dup 0 lt{pop 0}if 3 1 roll}repeat C setrgbcolor pop}bdf}ifelse /ss{//cf //ca //cs setscreen}bdf /stg{ss setgray}bdf /strgb{ss setrgbcolor}bdf /stcmyk{ss cvcmyk}bdf /min1{dup 0 eq{pop 1}if}bdf currentdict /bn known {bn}if )0.7333 0.7333 0.7333 _cv begin strgb end 0drw2 )0.7333 0.7333 0.7333 _cv begin strgb end ~ffff ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" %%DSIDICT:_cv currentdict /bu known {bu}if userdict /_cv known not{userdict /_cv 30 dict put}if _cv begin /bdf{bind def}bind def currentscreen/cs exch def/ca exch def/cf exch def systemdict/setcmykcolor known{/cvcmyk /setcmykcolor load def}{/cvcmyk{1 sub 4 1 roll 3{3 index add neg dup 0 lt{pop 0}if 3 1 roll}repeat C setrgbcolor pop}bdf}ifelse /ss{//cf //ca //cs setscreen}bdf /stg{ss setgray}bdf /strgb{ss setrgbcolor}bdf /stcmyk{ss cvcmyk}bdf /min1{dup 0 eq{pop 1}if}bdf currentdict /bn known {bn}if 1 _cv begin stg end 0drw2 1 _cv begin stg end ~ffff ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" %%DSIDICT:_cv currentdict /bu known {bu}if userdict /_cv known not{userdict /_cv 30 dict put}if _cv begin /bdf{bind def}bind def currentscreen/cs exch def/ca exch def/cf exch def systemdict/setcmykcolor known{/cvcmyk /setcmykcolor load def}{/cvcmyk{1 sub 4 1 roll 3{3 index add neg dup 0 lt{pop 0}if 3 1 roll}repeat setrgbcolor pop}bdf}ifelse /ss{//cf //ca //cs setscreen}bdf /stg{ss setgray}bdf /strgb{ss setrgbcolor}bdf /stcmyk{ss cvcmyk}bdf /min1{dup 0 eq{pop 1}if}bdf currentdict /bn known {bn}if )0.8000 0.8000 0.8000 _cv begin strgb end 0drw2 )0.8000 0.8000 0.8000 _cv begin strgb end ~ffff ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" %%DSIDICT:_cv currentdict /bu known {bu}if userdict /_cv known not{userdict /_cv 30 dict put}if _cv begin /bdf{bind def}bind def currentscreen/cs exch def/ca exch def/cf exch def systemdict/setcmykcolor known{/cvcmyk /setcmykcolor load def}{/cvcmyk{1 sub 4 1 roll 3{3 index add neg dup 0 lt{pop 0}if 3 1 roll}repeat C setrgbcolor pop}bdf}ifelse /ss{//cf //ca //cs setscreen}bdf /stg{ss setgray}bdf /strgb{ss setrgbcolor}bdf /stcmyk{ss cvcmyk}bdf /min1{dup 0 eq{pop 1}if}bdf currentdict /bn known {bn}if 0drw2 ~ffff ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" %%DSIDICT:_cv currentdict /bu known {bu}if userdict /_cv known not{userdict /_cv 30 dict put}if _cv begin /bdf{bind def}bind def currentscreen/cs exch def/ca exch def/cf exch def systemdict/setcmykcolor known{/cvcmyk /setcmykcolor load def}{/cvcmyk{1 sub 4 1 roll 3{3 index add neg dup 0 lt{pop 0}if 3 1 roll}repeat setrgbcolor pop}bdf}ifelse /ss{//cf //ca //cs setscreen}bdf /stg{ss setgray}bdf /strgb{ss setrgbcolor}bdf /stcmyk{ss cvcmyk}bdf /min1{dup 0 eq{pop 1}if}bdf currentdict /bn known {bn}if 0drw2 ~ffff ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" User Dictionary 'LxIqDn LxIqD 'LxIqDn 1T9VqDn Helvetica L Helvetica Light Times Geneva MS Sans Serif